** Part 10 **

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The guys and Val were going to be leaving back to Huntington Beach in two days. It's been great having them here with me.

I know life is gonna suck biscuits once their gone.

The night before was absolutely hilarious.

My brothers had decided that they would all spend the night at my place.

They thought it would be a good idea if they all camped out in my room.

They said that the guys were cool and everything but that they didn't trust them yet.

They thought one of them would try and sneak into my room when everyone was asleep and try and lay with me.

I got a big laugh out of that.

** Flashback **

"You guys sure you're okay out here?" I asked Val and the guys as they settled on the pullout couch, the sofa and the floor.

"Yeah, Cee. We're fine. We've slept in smaller spaces then this so it's cool." Val said with a smile.

"Alright. If you say so. Good night you guys." I said to them all.

"Good night Cee."

"Good night beautiful."

"Good night wifey."

I laughed at all of their different remarks.

I laughed as I walked to my room but it got caught in my throat when I saw my brothers sprawled across my bed.

"You have got to be kidding me. Are you guys high or something? You don't honestly think I'm going to let you sleep on my bed and go on the floor. HA!" I said.

They all chuckled at my reaction.

I went over to my side of the bed and grabbed a pillow.

I started smacking them with it.

"Get off my bed!" I yelled, still smacking them in the head with my pillow.


"What the hell!"

"I'm getting off!" They all scrambled off of my bed.

"That's better." I said with a laugh.

"Are you gonna make us all sleep on the floor when you have a nice and big comfy bed that can fit more then one?" Joseph asked.

"Yup." I said with a smile.

"Can I sleep up there too, Cee?" Nathaniel asked.

"Sure baby brother." I said with a smile.

He laughed and jumped on next to me.

They all narrowed their eyes at me.

"Ok fine. This is a king-sized bed. Four people can fit on here comfortably. You guys decide who's sleeping up here and who's sleeping down there." I said as I walked to my closet to get blankets for whoever was gonna get stuck sleeping on the floor.

My brothers all looked at each other for a second and then all hell broke loose.

They all jumped on my bed and started wrestling and fighting with each other to stay on my bed.

I ran back out of the closet and dropped the blankets.

"If you break my bed I swear I will put my foot up all of your asses!" I yelled.

There was a minute more of fighting and then Nathaniel, James, Jonathan and Teagan were laying on my bed with huge smirks on their faces.

Joseph and Anthony were both grumbling and flipping the others off.

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