** Part 66 **

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I watched Brian slowly pull his head closer to mine.

I laid there frozen in shock.

He was going to kiss me.

I know it!

I'm not trying to fight him off either.

Maybe I do like him.

Brian was three inches from my face when the bus door slammed open and someone came stomping in.

"Get your lazy asses up!" I heard Val yell.

Brian jerked his head away from mine and I heard him let out an annoyed groan.

I laughed and rolled out of his bunk.

"You can set that box down there. Thanks so much for the help." Val said to a girl I've never seen before.

She was pretty petite.

About 5'3, pretty skinny.

She looked like a rocker version of a porcelain doll.

She had a huge smile on her face as she saw me and the guys come to the front of the bus.

"Uh, hi." I said waving to her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Guys, this is Allison but she said we can call her Ally. She's gonna be helping us out with merch and setting up." Val said with a huge smile as she took another box from Ally.

"Dude, Jason's gonna love her." I heard Zacky whisper.

We all laughed softly and introduced ourselves to her.

"I've heard so much about you guys. It's great to meet you! I'm a huge fan!" She said with a huge, excited smile.

I grinned at her.

She's just a huge ball of energy.

"It's great to meet you too, Ally." I said.

"I was so nervous to meet you guys. Val and everyone I've met so far speak so highly of you all." Ally said happily.

"Yeah, we are pretty fuckin' awesome, especially me." Johnny said with a smug smirk.

"This midget is a cocky motherfucker. Just ignore him." Jimmy said with a smile.

"Fuck you, Jimmy!" Johnny yelled as he was shoved behind all of us to the back of the bus.

Ally laughed loudly and we all looked at her.

"You are short as hell. Damn, I thought I was small." Ally squealed.

"You're gonna fit right in." Brian said with a laugh as Johnny whined from behind us.

"Who's gonna fit right in?" Matt Berry asked as he and Jason stepped onto the bus.

Jason looked at Ally's face that was lit up by a smile and his eyes went wide.

"Whoa." He whispered, his eyes locked on her face.

Matt looked at his brother staring at Ally and he smiled, moving to the side so Jason could move a little closer.

I watched Ally grin as her baby blue eyes locked on his brown ones.

Jason didn't say anything, just stood staring at Ally with a dopey grin on his face.

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