** Part 6 **

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"Again! Again! Harder!" Eric yelled.

"Fuck!" I screamed as I gave the last round everything I had.

I was so exhausted I literally collapsed on the floor.

I was breathing in and out so hard my lungs felt like they were on fire.

"That was great. You see, I told you that if you keep practicing you'll get better." Eric complimented me.

I smiled as I continued trying to regulate my breathing.

He put his hand out to me and I grabbed it, letting him pull me up.

"You keep up this kick boxing and you are gonna be able to kick your brothers' asses with no trouble." Eric said with a laugh.

"I can already do that with out the kick boxing." I said with a smirk.

Eric laughed at me.

I was wiping off my sweaty face when I heard a fast knock on my door.

I looked at Eric, who was in the kitchen, he just shrugged his shoulders.

I walked to the door and swung it open.

My mouth fell to the ground when I saw Val standing there.

"AAGGHH!" We both screamed at the same time.

She jumped on me and I lost my balance and we both fell to the floor.

Our screaming must have scared Eric cause he came running in.

He looked confused when he saw me on the ground with a girl on top of me.

We were both squeezing the life out of each other and talking so fast we couldn't even understand each other.

When we finally calmed down we were able to actually have a conversation.

"Oh my God you're still absolutely gorgeous. Look at your hair! I love it!" Val squealed.

"Look at you! You're blond! It's such a great look for you." I said.

Val squeezed me again and I did the same to her.

"I missed you so much." I said.

"Me too." She answered.

"Uh, Cynthia? Is everything okay?" Eric asked.

I had totally forgotten that he was here and Val seemed to notice him for the first time.

"Oh," She said standing up and helping me up as well.

"Sorry. I'm Val, nice to meet you." Val said extending her hand to Eric.

"Nice to meet you too." Eric said.

There was a slight cough and we all turned and there were five heavily tattooed guys standing in my doorway.

"Hey guys. Um, I think we came at a bad time." Val said with an embarrassed laugh.

I could see why she would think that.

Eric was standing there in only basketball shorts and sneakers and I was in a sports bra and basketball shorts.

On top of that we were both sweaty.

"No, no, no, no. You didn't." I said trying to clear up the situation before she decided to leave.

"I was just leaving actually. Val, it was nice to meet you. Cynthia, I'll see you later." He said picking up his wife beater from the sofa and handing me mine.

We both put them on.

"Ok. I'll see you later babe." I told him giving him a light kiss on the lips.

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