** Part 4 **

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Syn's POV

I laid my head back on the sofa, blankly staring up at the ceiling.

Val caught me staring again.

I hate it when she catches me.

She gets that pitiful, sympathetic look on her face.

I hate that.

The last thing I need is pity.

She probably still thinks I'm hung up on Michelle.

It finally doesn't hurt to say her name.

I can actually think about her now and not feel like my heart is being ripped out and run over by a train.

When Val catches me looking, she thinks I'm thinking about me and her sister.

That's why she looks at me with that look.

But she's got it all wrong.

I envy what her and Matt have.

I want what they have.

I thought I had that with Michelle but I was wrong.

She said I was her soulmate.

I was stupid enought to believe her and I got my heart broken for it.

Some soulmate right?

If that's what a soulmate is I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life.

It's just not worth the pain.

I want what Matt and Val have but I don't want it with Michelle anymore.

I'm a good man and I know that.

If she was stupid enough to fuck up what we had then she can go straight to hell.

I don't need her.

Maybe this trip will be a good idea.

I sooo need to get laid.

I know people don't understand how I can sleep with so many girls and just drop them when I'm done.

It's just easier then being with someone permanent.

A lot less heart ache.

I can get what I want and then send them packing.

I can't live like that forever though.

I know that.

One day there will be that one girl who will change me in more ways then one.

One who will make me happier then I have ever been.

Who will love me like no one else has.

The question is when will I find her and will I be smart enough to hold on to her tight and never let go?

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