** Part 63 **

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I smiled as I watched Matt go over to the door and came back with his arm around an older guy.

"Ladies, this is Larry, our wonderful and kickass manager." Matt said.

We both smiled at him and he returned it.

"Where did you find these two lovely ladies?" Larry asked, coming forward and shaking our hands.

"The street corner." Johnny said with a smile.

Me and Emily turned to stare him down.

He shrunk away from us and hid behind Brian.

Brian moved out of the way.

"You got yourself into that mess." He said with a smile.

"Ignore the midget. What are your names?" Larry asked.

I laughed and turned my attention back to him.

"I'm Cynthia. Nice to meet you Larry." I said with a smile.

"Same here. How about you?" He asked, turning to Emily.

"I'm Emily. Zacky's girlfriend." She said with a grin.

Larry's eyebrows rose and he turned to Zacky which was grinning ear to ear.

"Why didn't you tell me you had this gorgeous girl under your arm?" Larry asked.

"I don't like to share." He said with a wink to Emily.

I looked at her and she was blushing and looking down.

"Well you better learn. She was mine first." I said, pulling her into my arms.

Everyone laughed at us.

"NO!" Zacky yelled, running over.

They all watached as me and Zacky played tug of was with Emily.

"Ok, children. Settle down!" Larry said with a stern voice.

We all quieted down and looked at him.

He busted out laughing.

"That was amazing! I can't even get my kids to do that." He said.

We all laughed at him.

"Ok guys! Let's get down to business." He said.

We all settled down and sat around the couches.

"As you all know we're having a little mini tour. This one's going to be a little more personal. We're not gonna be playing the huge arenas, but smaller venues. It's gonna be about a three month tour, 30 cities." Larry said.

The guys nodded their heads and I stared open mouthed.

30 cities!

Three months!

I don't know how they do it!

Val either!

"You two gonna be with us for that long?" Larry asked.

"No, I can only stay two weeks." I said sadly.

All the guys booed.

"I can stay the whole time." Emily said with a smile at Zacky and she came and hugged me.

"It's ok, I want you to have fun." I said.

"Alright you guys and gals. Where are the Berry's?" Larry asked, looking around.

There was a loud clatter in the kitchen and then the Berry's came rolling out of the kitchen.


"Ask and you shall recieve!" Matt yelled.

"Larry!" Jason screamed, jumping on him.

"I missed you too Jason. But I already told you that I'm married and I love my wife." Larry said as he put space between them.

I laughed.

"Larry! Don't leave me! I need you!" Jason yelled, wrapping himself around Larry's leg.

I laughed as I doubled over.

My side was aching from all the laughing I was doing.

This is going to be great!

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