** Part 17 **

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We made our way back to my place and just chillaxed for about an hour.

"Hey! You have a pool right?" Brian asked randomly.

I laughed at his sudden outburst and nodded my head.

"We should have a fuckin' swim party tomorrow!" He exclaimed.


"Fuck yeah!"

"Good idea, Syn!" They all yelled.

"Fuck yeah! Swimming, food, babes and booze. What more could you ask for?" Johnny asked.

"A few more inches." Zacky mumbled.

Everyone started laughing and Johnny flipped them off as always.

I was currently laying on the couch with Val's head on my lap.

I have been softly rubbing her head and she fell sound asleep.

"You guys! Shut the fuck up! Val's sleeping!" I half yelled half whispered to them.

"Val's dead to the world when she's asleep." Shadows said softly, with a laugh.

I smiled too and looked down at her.

I continued to pull my fingers through her hair gently.

"Is it cool if I take her to your room?" Shadz asked.

"Yeah, just don't wake her up." I said.

He nodded and smiled.

He picked her up and she immediately snuggled deep into his chest.

"You two are too cute." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, it is kind of sickening at times." Brian chuckled.

"Fuck you, asshole." Matt murmured as he walked to my room.

Not two seconds later Zacky's head was in my lap.

I looked down at him with raised eyebrows.

"Pwweeetty pweeease." He murmured, giving me puppy dog eyes.

I gave in with a smile and started running my fingers gently through his short hair.

He mumbled something and closed his eyes, a sigh escaping him.

"You guys are so easy to please." I said with a smile.

I looked up and was met by Brian's warm chocolate brown eyes.

There was something so deep and relaxing about those eyes.

"So, do you guys like being in a band?" I asked, breaking my staring contest with Brian.

"I like it. I get to travel the world with my best friends. Meet different people. Party. Girls. Who wouldn't like that?" Johnny asked.

"Haha." I said.

"When he says girls he really means guys." Brian said with a laugh.

"Fuck you Syn!" Johnny shot back.

"Why do you guys always gang up on Johnny?" I questioned.

"He's the youngest." Jimmy replied.

"Cause he's Johnny." Brian said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"What do you think Zacky?" I asked looking down.

"Holy shit. You put him to sleep too." Johnny laughed.

"You must have magic fingers." Brian said with a smirk.

"That I do." I said laughing at his stupid remark.

"Hmmm...I wonder what else you can do with your fingers." Jimmy said slyly.

"You wish you could know." I said.

"I do. Share it with us." Johnny encouraged.

"Yeah, please do." Jimmy said, leaning forward on his knees.

Brian just sat starting at me.

"Oooh. You guys want to know what I do when no ones around?" I asked in a low seductive voice, looking at them from under my eyelashes.

They all vigorously nodded their heads.

"Well, first, I think of something that makes me so happy." I said.

I was running my fingertips across my collar bone and then went in between my breasts, down to my stomach.

Their eyes were glued to me and their mouths were hanging open.

"And then...," I trailed my hand to the top of my jeans and I looked up to see that they were all leaning towards me.

I smiled and stuck up my middle finger to them.

Their eyes widened and their mouths fell open a little further.

I started cracking up at their reaction.

"You guys actually thought I would tell you!" I said, trying to hold in my laughs.

" A guy can wish." Jimmy grumbled.

" Fucking tease!" Brian grumbled too.

"You know it, babe." I said with a wink.

I looked down at Zacky and kept running my fingers through his hair.

"Fuckin' tease." Jimmy grumbled again.

I smiled at how childish they could be.

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