** Part 31 **

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Val was getting a hang of the bar and I smiled, leaning against the bar, watching.

It may not seem like it, but I keep a watch of the bar everytime I work.

I make sure there's no roofies or anything else getting slipped into drinks.

I have Melvin watch up from his corner in the DJ stand for potential fights.

I don't let that kind of shit happen on my shifts.

Emily in on her break at the moment and was sitting next to Zacky, deep in conversation.

I laughed as I saw him offer her some of his drink and she shook her head softly, sipping her drink which I'm pretty sure was Dr. Pepper.

Emily doesn't like to drink and when I asked her why she said she'd rather watch everyone else make complete fools of themselves then be one herself.

I was in the middle of my own conversation with Syn when a customer walked up to the bar.

"What can I get you?" I asked with a smile.

"Your number." He said in a smooth voice.

I laughed loudly and saw Brian's eyes harden as he turned to face the guy.

"Not gonna happen. How about a drink?" I asked, leaning on the counter.

He reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Don't be like that baby." He said.

I snatched my hand out of his and pushed it against Brian's chest as he tried to get up.

"I've got this, Bri. You get one warning. If you keep harassing me or any other lady in here, your ass is gonna be out on the street." I warned.

He must not have believed me cause he reached for my hand again.

I bent his wrist back until he started squealing for me to stop.

"Jeff, can I get you to the front?" I said into my walkie.

"Got it." He said and a few seconds later he was by my side.

"What's up Cee?" Jeff asked.

"Can you throw this asshole out. He doesn't seem to understand simple English." I said.

"On it." He said, climbing over the bar and dragging the guy out as he rubbed his wrist.

"Did you assault another customer?" Emily asked with a laugh.

"He asked for it." I said, defending myself.

"You always say that." Emily shot back as her and Zacky laughed.

"Well, there's boundaries. He crossed it." I said.

"Do you deal with that shit all the time?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, you get used to it though." I said with a shrug.

"Cee?" Someone called.

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