** Part 26 **

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Normal POV

The club was crazy.

Even from the outside I could tell it was going to be a long and crazy night.

The line was half way around the block and it was still growing.

It wasn't even happy hour yet.

"Welcome to Hell Bound." I said with a smile.

They all laughed and looked in awe at the club with flashing words that were tied with a black rope.

The rope had thorns sticking out of it.

I parked and we piled out of the car.

They followed me tot he big black door that was being guarded by some of the biggest guys you'll probably ever see.

Tim is an ex-body guard.

He's 6'5" and 250 pounds.

No one gets drunk enough to fuck around with him.

Ben is actually a lot smaller then Tim.

It sometimes pushed people to test his strengths.

Not a good idea.

Ben saw me before Tim did and a huge smile appeared on his face.

"Cee! Finally you're here!" He yelled.

"Ben!" I squealed, running from under Jimmy's arm.

I jumped into his out stretched arms and he gave me a hug.

"Hey Cici!" Tim yelled.

"Timmy! I've missed you!" I squealed.

"What have I told you about called me Timmy?" He said, scrunching up his face.

"Probably the same thing I've told you about calling me Cici." I said in the same tone.

"Touche. I've missed you though. So where's my favorite bartender been up to? Getting prettier I see." Tim said, taking my hand and spinning me in a circle.

There were a bunch of cat calls and whistles.

"Eyes on your own women if you know what's good for you." Ben barked.

"Don't scare off the money, Ben. I've been hanging out with these awesome guys for the past week." I said, turning to the guys and Val who were standing and waiting patiently.

"Where have I seen you guys before?" Tim asked.

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