** Part 27 **

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"We're in a band called Avenged Sevenfold." Matt said proudly.

"That's where it is! I knew you guys looked familiar." Ben exclaimed.

"You guys are fuckin' awesome!" Someone yelled from the line.

"So? What have you guys been doing with my favorite bartender?" Tim asked.

"You keep calling me your favvy fav and Emily's gonna hear you." I sang.

"Em's knows I love her too." Tim sang back.

I laughed at how goofy we are sometimes.

"This is M. Shadows, Zacky Vengence, The Revvy Rev, Johnny Christ, my bestie Val and Synyster Gates. Guys this is Tim and Ben." I introduced them all.

"Nice to meet you guys. Really like your music."Ben said, shaking each ot their hands.

"I think they could've figured that one out for themselves." I laughed.

He was so excited and it was adorable.

"Thanks man." Zacky said with a smile.

"That's our Cee. Always making new friends." Tim said with a warm smile as he put his arm around me.

"Not always." I argued.

"You know, Emily didn't know you would be off for a week. She's pretty pissed." Tim said.

"Fuck. How bad?" I asked.

"Well, about as mad as Em's can get." Ben said with a chuckle.

"You guys underestimate her. I bet you a hundred dollars that she could take you guys if you pissed her off." I said with a smirk.

"I'll take that. Emily's pretty tiny." Ben said.

"You're on. Let's go inside, I miss Emily too. I don't want Mac to start yelling at me either."I said.

"Alright, see you later Cee." Tim and Ben said.

"I'll have your drinks waiting for you on break. Don't work too hard." I said as Tim opened the big black door for us.

"You know what to do if any assholes start bugging you." Ben added.

"I know, I know." I said.

This is a daily thing they do whenever I come in to work.

I'm used to it by now.

"Club Hell Bound's got a kick ass surprise for everyone tonight! We got Cee back in the house! Everyone put their hands together and welcome her back!" Melvin, our DJ yelled.

I grinned when the crowd erupted into cheers.

It feels good to be back.

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