** Part 39 **

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Normal POV

Last night was weird.

As soon as the door closed behind Sasha and Brian, this feeling started creeping up on me.

I felt so made all of a sudden.

What the fuck?

I couldn't stop thinking about what Brian and Sasha were doing.

I am not jealous! I told myself.

Sasha's got a boyfriend!

Plus, I don't even like Brian.

I thought for a moment.

Wait, do I?

I am so confused now!


I tossed and turned the rest of the morning, thinking about Brian.

Do I like him?

I asked myself over and over again.

He's sweet, funny, hot as hell, well-built, successful and driven!

What else could I ask for in a man?

For him to like you?

My head screamed at me.

How could I be so stupid?

Brian would never like me.

He could have his pick of any girl in the world.

Why would he want me?

That's how it went the whole time.

I was wxhausted by the time my alarm went off at nine a.m.

I got up and looked in the mirror.

"Fuck! I look like shit!" I told my reflection.

I tood a quick shower and got dressed.

I went and jumped on the guys for the last time.

"Wakey wakey!" I yelled.

There was an all around groan from everyone on the floor.

"Come on guys. I have to go to school and you guys need to start getting your stuff so you won't get home too late." I said.

"Cee, it's a two hour drive." Matt whined.

"Not in commuter traffic sweetheart." I sang.

He groaned again.

"Ok, fine. I only have one class today so I'll be home by twelve. I expect you all to be up and showered." I yelled.

"Ok." They said.

"Alright my loves. See you in a few hours." I said as I walked out the door.

I didn't know at the time, but Brian's were on me until I walked out the door.

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