** Part 9 **

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Syn's POV

We've been hanging out with Cynthia's brothers for a few hours now.

They're cool guys but a bit overprotective.

I understand why they're like that though.

Cynthia's a fuckin' beautiful woman and she's an amazing person.

I'm sure they've had to fight off a lot of guys.

I can tell that their overprotectiveness really irritates Cynthia.

Val told me on the way up here that she doesn't like feeling weak or feel like someone has to protect her  

all the time.

Once again, I understand.

But I see it from her brothers point of view too.

I'm the same way with McKenna.

I know how guys are.


I'm the kind of guy I'm trying to protect her from.

I have to keep her away from that.

Right now we're all watching a movie.

Cynthia's living room is pretty spacious so we're not uncomfortable.

She's got three couches.

Rev, Cynthia and Teagan are on the couch against the wall.

Johnny, Anthony, Joseph and Zacky are on the biggest couch.

Me, Jonathan and Matt(with Val on his lap) are all on the couch across from Cynthia.

Nate and James just decided to lay on the ground so Cynthia had gotten them pillows and all that crap.

For some reason, every couple of minutes my eyes would be drawn back to Cynthia.

It was like a magnet kept pulling my eyes back to her.

She had her head on top of a pillow in Jimmy's lap.

He was gently running his fingers through her beautiful brown and purple hair.

She had her calves in Teagan's lap and he was playing with her feet.

He would occasionally tickle her and she would softly giggle.

Her laugh was so beautiful.

I couldn't help but smile every time I heard it.

I also couldn't help the raging jealousy in the pit of my stomach every time I looked at her laying so  

comfortably in Jimmy's lap.

I know he doesn't like her.

She's surprisingly not his type.

But it doesn't change the fact that she's more comfortable with him then with me.

I want her to lay in my lap.

' What the fuck am I saying? ' I asked myself.

I looked over at Cynthia again and she was looking at me.

She looked a little shocked that I had caught her looking at me.

I gave her a little smile and she returned it.

The feeling that shot through my body answered all of my questions.

' I like Cynthia. How did I not notice that before? ' I asked myself, feeling stupid.

She's beautiful, down to earth, funny as hell, doesn't let people walk all over her and she gets along with  

all of my best friends.

What more could I ask for?

' What am I thinking? She wouldn't like me ! ' I told myself.

A scowl made it's way across my face.

"What's wrong Syn?" Val asked, her voice full of concern.

Everyone's eyes shot to me and I instantly felt uncomfortable.

"Nothing. I just need a smoke." I said getting up and going outside.

It was a couple of minutes before Val came out and stood next to me.

She lightly nudged my shoulder.

"What's wrong Bri?" She asked softly.

I was quiet for a minute.

"I figured something out just a little while ago." I said lowly, taking a long drag of my cigarette.

"Do you feel like telling me?" she asked, not wanting to force the information out of me.

"I, um, kind of like Cynthia." I said slowly, not really knowing how to say it.

The biggest smile made it's way across her face.

"I knew it!" Val exclaimed.

"How did you know? I didn't even know." I said looking at her with narrowed eyes.

"Well, I didn't know. I just had a feeling that you would start to like her." Val said with that smile still on  

her face.

" Are you gonna tell her?" She asked after a couple of minutes of silence.

"I don't think so." I said quietly.

"Why not?!" Val yelled.

"Shh! Fuck, stop yelling!" I said looking around to make sure no one had come out to see what all the  

noise was about.

"Sorry. Why aren't you going to tell her?" Val asked, talking lower now.

"Cause." I said in a hard voice.

I sucked in a lung full of smoke and stayed quiet.

She just stared at me for a minute and then she hugged me.

"You are a good man Brian. Don'tever doubtthat."She told me in a sure voice.

I chuckled and put my arm around Val, giving her a tight hug.

"Thanks Val." I told her.

She pulled away and smiled up at me.

"Anytime, Syn." She said.

"Let's get back inside before they start to wonder where we went." I told her giving her a small push.

I dropped my cigarette on the ground and smashed it with my foot.

"Let's go." She laughed, skipping back to Cynthia's door.

"Keep this to yourself, Val." I said in a warning voice.

"You are no fun." She said, putting on her pouting face.

I gave her a hard look.

"Fine!" Val said throwing her arms up in the air.

She crossed her finger over her heart.

"I promise I won't say anything." She said reluctantly.

"Good girl." I said with a laugh as I caught up to her.

She stuck her tongue out at me as we walked back into the apartment.

The first face I saw was Cynthia's.

She greeted me with the most beautiful smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

' Maybe I should tell her. ' I said to myself thoughtfully as I sat back in my seat.

' But how? '

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