** Part 58 **

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I didn't talk.

I couldn't.

I was in too much shock.

Standing before me was....my dad.

He looked so much different then I remember.

His hair was longer now.

He had a piercing in his left ear that I didn't remember being there before.

"Daddy?" I whispered so low only I could hear.

"Wow, baby girl. You've grown up. Haven't seen you in almost 8 years." He said.

I shook my head and looked at my dad again only to realize it wasn't my dad at all.

"Uncle Raj?" I asked in doubt.

"You got it baby girl. Who did you think it was?" He asked.

He got silent for a minute and then looked down guiltily when he realized who I thought he was.

My uncle is my dads youngest brother and he also looks exactly like him.

He's more wild and crazy where my dad was more mellow and at ease.

I got over my shock in an instant.

I didn't answer him and just let the shit eating grin spread across my face as I ran into my uncle's arm that opened when he saw me coming.

"Uncle Raj!" Isquealed loudly.

He held me tightly as he swung me in acircle asI giggled and he on tightly.

"I've missed you so much." I said.

"I know. I've missed you too. I'm sorry I was gone for so long." He said as he put me on my feet.

"It's ok. I understand." I said.

"No, baby girl. It's not ok. I left my family in their time ofneed because I couldn't handle what happened. I left you all here, alone. I left you tokeep your family together by yourself." He said, looking down at the ground.

I hugged him again.

"Uncle Raj, it was hard for all of us. We all handled it differently. We're a family and wewill always stick together and behere for each other. Don't worry about the past. You're here now. That's what matters." I said.

"I'm so sorry. He was my big brother. I didn't know how to handle it. SoI disappeared. I took the cowards way out and I am so sorry. I left my niece and nephews tofendfor themselves andI can never take that back. But I'm here now." He said, finally looking me in the eyes.

I smiled and hehugged me again.

"So, where are my knuckle-headed nephews?" Uncle Raj asked.

"They'll be back in a few days. They never leave me alone for more then three days. They think I can't take care of myself." I said with a roll of my eyes.

"You're the girl of the family. They're protective. Your dad taught them well." He said with a proud smile.

I smiled too.

" What have I missed?" He asked with a smile as he pulled metowards the couch.

I laughed loudly.

"Now that, is a very good story." I said with a smile.

"Good thing I have a lot of time on my hands."

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