** Part 22 **

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Normal POV

I took a few more pictures and then everyone dragged me in to them too.

I took one where Jimmy was on all fours and I was sitting on his back, pretending he was my horse.

I was actually spanking him too.

I think he liked that a little too much though.

It got a big laugh out of everyone.

I took one with Zacky and he hugged me tightly, picking me up off the ground.

Then for Johnny, I picked him up bridal style and he put his arms around my neck and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Matt laid on his back on the floor and pretended to use me as a weight as he bench pressed me.

I took another one with Val too.

She held my legs up as I did a hand stand.

They didn't get a picture of it but I fell on my ass after.

It was pretty damn funny.

Brian was the last one.

I didn't really know what to do with him.

There was still that tension between us.

It wasn't uncomfortable, I just don't know what it is.

I went up to him and we smiled at each other.

I put my hands on his shoulders and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist.

He seemed shocked at first but his arms wound around my lower back and I put my face against his.

Val pointed the camera at us and smiled, snapping the picture.

"That is the cutest picture ever!" She squealed.

I smiled at Brian and he set me down on my feet.

"Let's go swimming!!" I yelled.

Brian laughed at my excitement.

"Let's go." Zacky yelled, running by us with Johnny on his back.

I laughed when I saw Jimmy running behind them yelling gibberish and cackling like a madman.

I smiled hugely when Matt hoisted Val on to his back and ran behind the rest of the group.

Brian came in front of me and bent down enough so I could jump on his back.

I smiled and hopped on effortlessly, latching my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

He didn't take off running like I thought he would but walked at a normal pace.

"So, what was your dad like?" He asked out of the blue.

I froze in shock, not expecting that question at all.

"We don't have to talk about him if you don't want to." He said quickly, probably thinking he'd upset me.

"No, it's ok. You just caught me off guard. " I said. He waited patiently as I took a deep breath.

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting you to ask me that. My dad was one of the most caring and funniest people you could ever meet. Everyone who met him instantly got along with him. He just had this aura that drew people to him and made them want to hang around him all the time. I didn't really like bringing my friends around cause I didn't want them to take all of his attention." I said with a laugh.

Brian chuckled.

"The nicest guy you could ever meet and the best dad in the world. He was hardworking and very protective of his kids. We were his pride and joy. I'll give you ten guesses where my brothers got their protectiveness from." I said with a smile.

" He sounds like a great guy." Brian said softly.

"He was. He was our hero, the person we always went to when we were in trouble. He never jumped to conclusions. He always took the time to listen and was always reasonable. Never passed judgement on someone just because he heard something bad from someone else. But if you ever hurt someone he loved, it was over. No explanations needed. It was never acceptable to do that. Ever." I said quietly.

"I guess you are more like him then I thought." Brian said with a small laugh.

"I like to think so." I said with a smile.

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