** Part 12 **

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Me and Val linked arms as we walked towards Sasha's house.

"Ok. Now you guys are about to meet one of my closest friends so you better be nice or I will kick your guys' asses all up and down California." I said with a hard tone even though I had a sweet smile plastered on my face.

"Yes ma'am!"They all said at once.

"Good soldiers."I said back.

Me and Val skipped the rest of the way to the door and I rang the door bell four times.

I heard footsteps and a smile made it's way across my face.

"Excited?" Val asked curiously.

"Yeah, I haven't seen Sash in almost three weeks." I said.

Val nodded her head.

The door swung open.

"Sash!" I yelled jumping in her arms even though she was waaaay shorter than me.

"Hey baby boo." She cooed in my ear.

We pulled away and the smile instantly fell off my face and my shoulders tensed.

Sash's usually beautiful face was now marked.

She had a busted lip and faint bruising on her right cheekbone.

"What happened Sash?" I asked in a hard voice.

"I got into it with this bitch at work." She said simply.

"Hmmm. What was her name again?" I asked her.

"I never said it. You are not gonna go looking for her, Cee." Sash said in a hard voice as well.

"What would give you such an idea?" I asked in a shocked voice.

"Cause I know you." Sasha said with a smirk.

"True. But I already know where to find the bitch who did this." I said with a smile.

"Ceee." She grumbled.

"Ok,ok,ok. I'm sorry." I said.

"Who are your friends?" Sash asked with a bright smile as she turned her attention to Val and the guys.

"Sasha Lynn," I began.

"I hate it when you use my middle name." Sash interupted.

I stuck my tongue out at her and she lightly pushed me.

"This is the amazing Val." I said pointing to Val with a big smile on my face.

"Nice to meet you, Val. Cynthia's been talking to me about you since the first day we met." Sasha said with a smile.

"It's great to meet you." Val said back, sticking out her hand.

Sasha just pulled her into a hug that Val returned.

"And this is Matt, Val's main squeeze. Brian, Johnny, Zacky and the awesomest Jimmy." I said with a smile.

Jimmy slightly bowed and that got Sash laughing hysterically.

The guys kind of eyed her since she was basically laughing at nothing.

"Don't worry about her. She's easily amused." I explained to them.

After Sash was done laughing she went around and gave them all hugs.

"Come in everyone! Come in!" Sasha said, waving everyone in through the doorway.

We walked in and once Sasha closed the door she ran and jumped on my back.

She started smacking my butt and yelling "Giddy up horsey!"

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