** Part 73 **

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Brian's POV 

I stood against the spotlight as the guys ripped me a new asshole.

"What the fuck where you thinking?" Matt bellowed.

"I think it's quite obvious that I wasn't thinking. I saw him about to kiss her and I snapped." I told them.

"Yeah, that's a really great way to win her over, Syn. Beat the crap out of any guy that tries to talk to her. You really fucked up." Zacky said.

"I know. Don't you think I know that?!" I yelled angrily.

I heard the rush of footsteps and then my head whipped to side and pain oozed through the right side of my face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I heard Cynthia shriek.

I turned to look at her and she looked furious.

Her fists were clenched and ready, her eyes narrowed into slits, her voice slow and deadly.

She was actually scaring me a little.

She was really turning me on too.

The wasy she was looking at me just made me want to push her up against the wall and kiss her with everything in me.

"Are you going to answer me?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

I smirked and leaned back against the post.

"He shouldn't have tried to kiss you." I said.

"That's none of your business!" She screeched.

"Maybe, maybe not." I said casually.

"What about that slut that was dry humping you all over the dance floor. You didn't see me go and beat her ass." Cynthia said, getting more angry by the second.

I jsut sat back and didn't say anything.

"You are such an asshole." She said.

She turned away from me and went to Val.

She opened her arms and hugged all the girls.

"I'm going to stay in a hotel tonight. I need to calm down." She said to them all, completely ignoring me.

"Come on, Cee. You don't have to do that." Johnny said.

"Yeah, just igore Brian. He's on his period." Zacky said.

"No, it's fine." Cynthia said.

"At least let us come with you so you're not alone." Emily said.

"It's ok, babe. I just need a little space to calm down." Cynthia said hugging Emily.

She really looked worried and I started feeling bad.

"Cynthia, stay. I'll go to a hotel." I said.

I didn't want everyone to worry about her.

"No." She said, still completely pissed.

"Excuse the fuck out of me. I was just trying to help." I spat back angrily.

"No you're just trying to make yourself feel like less of an asshole. You've done enough for one night." She said.

I looked away from her.

I didn't want to say something I might regret later.

"Will you at least call me when you get to the hotel?" Emily asked.

"Of course I will. It's actually just down the street a ways." She said.

I stood there woodenly.

This is not how I imagined the night going.

Not at all.

"Well, I'm gonna go. I'm pretty tired." Cynthia said.

Everyone glared at me.

I kept my eyes on the ground.

"Night guys." She said, walking down the street.

I watched her retreating form.

It was really hard to watch her walk away.

A lot harder then I thought.

It was only a few seconds and then I was surrounded.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! For liking her so much, you sure have a good way of showing it." Emily yelled.

I glared at Zacky for telling her.

"Don't look at him like that. I'm not stupid, I have eyes. What I don't understand is why you didn't just talk to her instead of fighting with a guy she was having fun with. If you don't want anyone else with her, grow some fucking balls and tell her how you feel!"Emily yelled, pushing past me and walking back towards the venue.

"You know she's right." Zacky said as he followed Emily.

"You better fix this." Val growled.

She walked away and Matt followed, patting me on the back.

Johnny and Jimmy both walked past me without a word.

Matt, Jason and Ally were the last ones.

Jason wrapped his arm around Ally's shoulders since it ws pretty cold out right now.

"You got this Syn." Matt said.

Jason walked by with Ally and she smiled at me.

She got out from under Jason's arm.

She came over to me and gave me a hug.

"You can do this. Don't doubt yourself." She whispered, giving me a squeeze.

I smiled and watched them walk away, hand in hand.

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