** Part 53 **

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Emily's POV

I rolled over and stared at the ceiling as thoughts of Zacky flowed through my mind.

I smiled everytime I pictured his perfect face or his beautiful smile.

The way his eyes seem to twinkle whenever I see him looking at me.

Maybe it's just me, but I've already fallen for him.

One week of knowing him and that guys squeezed his way into my nornally guarded heart.

What does he want out of this?

What am I going to do when he goes back to Huntington Beach?

How often will I see him?

What about when he goes on tour and he's surrounded by hundreds of adoring fan girls who are willing to do anything to spend some time with him?

I started slightly hyperventilating at the thought of losing Zacky.

It's ridiculous because I just met him, but he's already an important part of my life.

It could be just one girl who willing to go the distance with him.

One girl who will give him whatever her wants, no questions asked.

One night could change everything.

I was snapped out of my insane thoughts when my phone started ringing.

I answered my phone in abored tone.

"You're second guressing him aren't you?" Came Cynthia's knowing voice.

"I hate how well you know me." I said with a groan.

"That's cause you know I'm right." She said.

I could tell she was smiling.

I let the silence last a while longer.

"So tell me what's wrong." Cee said gently.

"Why did I let this happen, Cee?" I asked sadly.

"You finally listened to your heart instead of you head. In my opinion, you haven't made a mistake." She said.

"What am I supposed to do when he goes back home? Or when he goes on tour and he's surrounded by girls who will do anything he wants?" I asked, my hysteria making my voice pitch higher and higher.

"He'll realize why he likes you so much. He'll realize that he doesn't want a girl who will jump when he says jump. He wants you cause he knows he won't be over to walk all over you. He'll see a strong, independant woman that doesn't need him, but wants him, and he'll understand why he's with you." Cynthia said.

"Cee, what are the chances of that?" I asked skeptically.

"Emily, you are not like other girls. You are one of a kind and he'd be crazy if he didn't want to be with you. If I thought he would hurt you then I'd never let him go out with you." Cee said in a sure voice.

"I know. I'm just scared." I whispered.

"It's ok to be scared honey. Not every man is going to hurt you." She said softly.

"Zacky told me that last night." I said with a small laugh.

"You see. Just go with the flow and don't fight it. It'll be fine." Cee said.

"I hope so." I said softly.

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