** Part 3 **

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Val's POV

Hearing from Cynthia after two years was the biggest and greatest shock I had ever gotten.

I know after high school we had said we would keep in touch, but the guys had just gotten signed and they got so big so fast.

Things just go so crazy we didn't have time to talk and eventually we just stopped.

Talking to her again made me realize how much I really missed having her in my life.

We used to be attached at the hip.

We talked everday, about everything.

We were sisters.

Now I get the chance to see her again, and I get to bring Matt and the guys with me.

I started jumping up and down I was so happy.

I was still jumping up and down when I heard footsteps.

I spun around mid-jump to see Matt, Zacky, Jimmy, Brian and Johnny all looking at me like I was crazy.

"What the hell are you doing?" Johnny asked.

"Are you that happy to see us?" Matt asked with a smirk.

I just laughed at them.

"I'm always happy to see you guys." I said as I ran and jumped on Matt.

He laughed and hugged me tightly giving me a kiss.

When I jumped down I gave the rest of the guys hugs too.

"So why are you so happy? You didn't know we were coming home early so it couldn't have been that." Zacky said eyeing me skeptically.

"I have the biggest favor to ask you guys." I said withpuppy dog eyes.

"What do you want Val?" Brian asked throwing himself down on one of the couches.

"We're not dressing up like chicks again for halloween." Matt said with a grimace, probably remembering last halloween.

"I do make a hot chick though." Johnny said.

"That's hella gay, dude." Zacky laughed.

I laughed at Johnny's comment and at the flashback I got of last halloween.

"No. I want you guys to come to San Diego with me." I said.

They all just looked at me with the most confused faces.

"Why?" They all asked at once.

It was always weird when they did that.

"You remember my best friend I was always telling you about?" I asked them.

By now they're all sitting down on the couches, relaxing.

It took them a minute but they nodded when they remembered.

"Ok, well she called me out of the blue today and she told me she's living in San Diego. I really, really, really want to go and see her and I want you guys to come with me so you can all meet her." I said.

They all looked at me for a minute and then turned to look at each other.

Matt had his thinking face on so I turned my full attention to him.

"I haven't seen you this is excited in a while." Matt said thoughtfully.

All of the guys started laughing their asses off.

"Damn! That doesn't say much about you, does it Matt?" Brian said not being able to control his laughter.

I laughed as Matt flipped them all off.

"If you want to go baby, I'll go with you." Matt said.

I squealed and threw myself on him.

I hugged him tightly and kissed him all over his face.

"Thank you. I love you, I love you, I love you." I said in between kisses.

"I love you too Val." Matt said squeezing me to his broad chest.

I looked around at the guys and saw Brian staring at me and Matt.

I smiled apologetically when he saw that I had caught him staring, again.

He tried to smile back but didn't quite pull it off.

He gave up and just turned away fom us.

I looked down at my hands and stared at them.

' Why can't he just get over her and move on?! ' I screamed in my head.

I know it's not that simple but I hated seeing Brian in pain.

"Vaaaaaal." Matt said, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, what?" I asked focusing on Matt.

"When did you want to leave?" He asked me.

"Well, I thought you guys were gonna be home later this week. Since you came home early we can leave as soon as I'm done packing." I said jumping up.

"Hey Val. Is your friend hot?" Zacky asked with a smirk.

"She is very beautiful. But she's not really your type. She's more of Syn's type." I said with a smile.

"HA!" Syn yelled, mocking Zacky.

"Puh-lease. Any girl with a nice ass, tits and face is my type." Zacky said with a wink at the guys.

"You better not say that to her. She will kick your ass." I said.

"Getting your ass kicked by a hot chick might not be so bad." Jimmy chimed in.

"Unless you end up in the hospital." Matt said.

"Don't say I didn't you." I said in a sing- song voice as I went to my room to pack.

'This is going to be interesting.' I thought to myself with a huge grin on my face.

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