** Part 70 **

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We all got dressed quickly and made our way to the club.

This club must've been awesome because the line wrapped all the way around the building.

"We're gonna be waiting a long time." I grumbled.

"Please. Do you know who you're with?" Jimmy said.

He waltzed up to the bouncer and the second he turned around they hugged and started chatting.

It was a few minutes before Jimmy pointed over to us.

The bouncer smiled and waved us all over.

"Have a nice night, guys. Great seeing you, Jimmy!" He yelled.

Jimmy yelled back and I smiled at him.

Everyone loved Jimmy.

It's kind of hard not too.

We all walked into the club.

"How the hell do you know that guy?" Johnny asked.

"I know everyone." Jimmy said in a cocky voice.

I laughed at him and looked around the club.

It was similar to club HellBound.

There was a huge bar and a nice sized dance floor.

There were strobe lights throwing random colors all around.

The DJ's spot was set up in the corner of the club and occasionally fog would swirl from under it.

It was pretty fucking cool.

"Holy shit! I love this place!" Emily yelled.

I laughed as Zacky smiled at her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Let's get wasted already!" Johnny yelled.

We all laugh and go to find a table that we will all fit at.

We find one but us girls don't stay there for that long.

Emily grabs my hand and I grab Val's and she grabs Ally's.

We all get on the dance floor and start moving our bodies to the beat.

With the fog and tight space, it got hot really fast.

That didn't stop us though.

We kept dancing with each other, having fun and laughing.

I wiped my head around when I heard Emily scream.

Standing behind her was Zacky and he had a huge smile on his face.

"You scared her didn't you?" I asked with a knowing smile.

He nodded and I went back to dancing, glad that Emily was fine and having fun.

I looked around and saw Val and Matt, Ally and Jason and Emily and Zacky.

I smiled at all of them and soon felt a hand snake around my waist.

I whipped around, ready to fight when I saw Jimmy's smiling face.

"You ass! I almost punched you." I said with a smile as I started dancing with him.

"How could you hit such a beautiful face?" He asked in astonishment.

I started laughing and we made small talk as we danced to a few songs.

"Hey Rev! Shadz is calling you." Johnny said from behind us.

He nodded and turned back to me.

"Thank you kind woman for the dance.

It truly has been a pleasure." Jimmy said, talking with a british accent.

I laughed again and he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I smiled and saw that Johnny was still standing there.

I walked up to him with a smile and put my hand out.

"May I have this dance, hubby?" I asked with a chuckle.

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