** Part 36 **

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Brian's POV

I hate seeing Cynthiathis way.

She's sitting in between Zacky and Val on the couch.

Val's got her arm wrapped around Cee's shoulder and Zacky's rubbing her hand soothingly.

I know what she's going through.

The difference between me and her is that I had months to get over Michelle's betrayal.

Cynthia's had a week.

"Cynthia, you can't just keep this all inside. Talk to me sweetheart." Val murmured.

Matt came back into the apartment, closing the door softly behind him.

"She's on her way." He said softly.

I nodded, not taking my eyes off Cee.

Matt thought it would be a good idea to call Sasha.

She would know what to do.

"Babe, please. Say something." Zacky pleaded.

"You know, when I found out he was cheating on me, I came home and flipped it upside down. Everything I looked at reminded me of him." She said with out emotion.

"You are better off with out him. You can do so much better than that asshole." Jimmy said.

Cynthia didn't say anything, just kept looking at the wall.

I looked at Val with worried eyes and hers were filled with pain and worry as well.

Cee suddenly got up and went to her punching bag.

She looked at it for a minute and then pushed it roughly.

It swung back on it's hinge and hit her.

Her hands flew up and she started hitting the bag with so much force and anger that the hook it was being held up by started to shake.

I stood up nervously.

"No. Just let her get it out." A voice said from behind me.

We turned quickly and there stood Sasha.

Her eyes were glued to Cynthia's furious form.

"How long ago did he leave?" She asked softly.

"It's been about an hour. She's been sitting here and then she just got up and started fighting the punching bag." Zacky said.

"Why?" I asked softly.

"She's not gonna cry. She won't let herself. Her stubborn pride gets in the way everytime. She has got tolet it out somehow. We just have to wait." She said.

So we waited.

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