** Part 8 **

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Me and Val laid side by side on my bed.

We had been talking for about an hour now.

We were just catching up some more and talking about random things.

"I can see what the hype is over these guys. They're so fucking awesome!" I said.

Val smiled hugely at my answer.

"I'm so glad you guys all get along. It makes things so much better." Val said.

"Well, you know me. I'm cool with you if you're cool with me...most of the time anyway." I reminded her.

"Yeah, I know. So, I uh, kind of noticed a little connection between you and Syn." Val said with a huge smirk on her face.

I laughed at the look on her face.

"Really? Is that so? I want to see this so called 'connection ' too." I said.

"Come on. I know you think he's cute." Val said with a knowing look.

"It doesn't matter how hot someone is that doesn't mean there's a connection between the two people." I told her.

"Pleeeeease. Tell me the truth." Val urged.

I just stayed quiet.

"What theFUCK is this !! " Someone yelled from the livingroom.

My eyes immediately widened.

"Holy shit !" I exclaimed jumping off my bed.

I ran to my bedroom door and swung it open with Val right behind me.

Standing by the front foor where all six of my brothers, and in the livingroom all the guys were all standing up facing them.

As soon as my brothers saw me they untensed a bit.

"Cynthia, what's going on?" My oldest brother, Jonathan asked.

"We're about to have an orgy. You're just in time." I said.

"What?! " My brothers all yelled at once.

They looked at the guys and moved forward.

I stepped in between them all, putting my hands up.

"Come on now ! I was kidding ! I can have friends over with out you all trying to kill them." I told them putting my hands on my waist.

They all stared me down.

"They're all guys." Anthony exclaimed, mugging the guys who just stood there not saying anything.

"Excuse me. Do not insult Val that way. There is no way in hell you could confuse her with a guy." I pointed to Val who was behind me.

My brother James came forward and stood in front of Val.

"You're just as beautiful as the last time I saw you Val." He said giving her a hug.

"Hey James. Nice to see you again." She said pulling out of his embrace.

Matt came and stood next to her.

"How you been?" James asked, his full attention on Val.

I went and grabbed him by the ear, pulling him away from them before any trouble started.

"Excuse my brother everyone. James, she is just as unavailable as the last time you saw her. I told you my friends are off limits ! " I said.

"I was just being friendly, geez. I'm the big brother, I should be doing that." James grumbled, pulling out of my grasp.

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