** Part 59 **

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Me and my uncle spent three hours talking and catching up on everything he'd missed from my life and what I'd missed from his.

"Now where are my nephews?" He asked.

"I'll call them and tell them to come over." I said, picking up my phone.

I sat quietly as I rang up Jonathan.

"Hey Cee. What's up?" He asked.

"Jonathan! There's a man here at my apartment and he's trying to get in here. Please hurry!" I said urgently, then hung up.

I looked at my uncle with a smile and he was looking at me with an incredulous look on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Why did you do that? They're all gonna race here looking to kill." He said with a worried expression.

"Don't worry, Uncle Raj. When they see it's you, they won't do anything." I said, waving it off.

"Yeah, but until then they're gonna try and kill me." He said.

I laughed and leaned my head on his shoulder.

He gave me a hug and kissed my forehead.

"So, what about guys? Do you have any boyfriends I should know about?" He asked in a stern voice.

"Um, actually, no. I recently broke up with my boyfriend." I said, keeping all emotion out of my voice.

"Hmm, that doesn't sound good. Tell me what happened." Uncle Raj said, looking at me.

"He wasn't the guy I thought he was." I said simply.

"How so?" He asked, digging for details.

"I, ugh, well you see." I stuttered.

"Don't bullshit me, baby girl. We were always honest with each other. No reason to change that now." He said.

"He, ummm, he cheated on me and when I confronted him, he was drunk and, ummm, he hit me." I said.

I looked up at my uncle and his eyes were filled with unbelievable anger.

"It's fine Uncle Rajy. I handled it." I said, trying to calm him down.

"It sure as hell is not okay. What did you do when all that shit went down?" He asked.

"I beat the shit out of him. He spent a week in the hospital." I said proudly.

"That's my girl." He said with a smile.

I laughed.

"So, what did you say his name was?" He asked.

"I didn't." I said, looking at him suspiciously.

"Ok, well why don't you tell me and give mehis address while you're at it." Uncle Raj said, completely calm and serious.

"I handled it. Please, don't go looking for him. My brothers don't even know about it. I don't need anyone I care about going to jail because of that asshole. He's suffereing for it now. I'm okay with that." I said.

He looked at me for a moment, just contemplating what I had said.

"Ok, baby girl. If that's what you want." He said.

I smiled and jumped at the sudden pounding and yelling at my door.

"Your brothers are here." My uncle said a little worried.

I laughed and got up.

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