** Part 75 **

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Brian's POV

I rolled over in bed this morning with a huge smile on my face.  

I haven't felt this good in ages.  

I'm so glad I decided to come here last night.  

Not cause I thought I was gonna get laid, but because I was able to show Cynthia the feelings I wasn't able to express to her with words.  

I smiled again as I thought about last night. 

How sweet her lips tasted.  

How good it felt when she held me tightly or ran her hands down my body. 

How butterflies fluttered through my stomach each time she moaned my name.  

I rolled over to her side so I could cuddle with her but I came up empty.  

My eyes flew open and I didn't see anyone.  

I sat up and looked around the room. 

All of Cynthia's clothes were gone. 

I put my face in my hands and leaned against the head board.  

Did last night mean nothing to her? 

I asked myself. 

"Why are you holding your head? Do you have a hangover?" I heard a soft voice ask. 

I looked up and there she stood, tooth brush in hand. 

I smiled and leaned back, looking at her with relief all over my face.  

"What's wrong?" She asked again.  

"You mean besides the face that you're dressed and I'm alone in bed?" I asked with a smirk.  

She smiled slightly and rolled her eyes.  

She went back in the bathroom and I heard her running the sink and then she came back in the room. 

She stood awkwardly by the foot of the bed, looking at me.  

I smiled and opened my arms.  

She smiled slightly and walked slowly to me.  

I held her tightly.  

She just felt so right being there in my arms. 

I rested my head on top of hers and rubbed my hand up and down her arm that was now covered in goose bumps. 

"So what now?" Cynthia asked softly.  

"Hmm, well eventually I have to get dressed even though I really don't want to. Then we should get back to the bus and we can all go out to eat." I said with a smiled even though I knew she couldn't see me.  

She pulled away from me and my eyes narrowed in confusion and hurt.  

"No, I meant about us. What now?" She asked softly.  

I looked at her blankly.  

Did she really not know?  

"Well, what do you want?" I asked, looking down at my hands. 

"For you to answer me." She said. 

"I thought it was pretty obvious. I want to be with you. I've wanted to be with you for a while now." I said, looking up at her expression.  

Her eyes were wide. 

With surprise or dismay, I don'tknow.  

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" She asked, getting a little louder.  

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