** Part 43 **

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Emily's POV

I started throwing stuff around my room as I searched for my ringing cell phone.

I heard the ringer get louder and knew I was getting closer.

"Ah-ha! You think you can hide from me! But you can't!" I yelled as I threw my pillow across the room and picked up my phone, checking the caller i.d.

It said 'My Sexi Hoe!' and had a picture of Cynthia blowing the camera a kiss.

I smiled and flipped it open.

"Hello my love." I sang.

"Wow, I'm your love already. This is easier than I thought." Zacky said with a laugh.

It went dead quiet and my mouth hung open.

"Uh, Emily? I was just kidding about what I said." He explained when I didn't answer.

"Zacky?" I asked softly.

"What happened to my love?" He asked teasingly.

"I thought you were Cynthia. She's my one and only love." I said with a laugh.

"Ha! Told you!" I heard Cee yell in the background.

"Haha. So, what did you call about?" I asked.

"Well...you know, I was kind of wondering if you wanted, but you totally don't have to if you don't want to but---,"

"Grow some balls and just spit it out!" Cee yelled.

I heard everyone laugh at her out burst and I shook my head.

"Do you want to go out with me tonight?" Zacky blurted.

My face must have lit up because I could feel the grin spreading across my face.

"Uh, you know you don't have to if you don't want to, I under---,"

"I'd love to." I interrupted him quickly before he could take the offer back.

"Cause I know we barely know each other and you might not want to---," He paused for a second.

"Wait, what did you say?" He asked.

"I said, I 'd love to go out with you tonight." I repeated, not able to keep the smile off of my face.

"Really?" Zacky asked, sounding shocked.

"Yes, really." I said with a laugh.

"Ok, cool. I'll pick you up around 7:30. That ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's great." I said.

"Cool, I'll see you in a little while then." Zacky said.

"Ok." I answered, not knowing what else to say.

"Bye Emily." He said softly.

"Bye Zacky." I said, just as softly.

"Wait! Emily!" He yelled into the phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked, alarmed.

"Where do you live?" He asked in a cute voice.

I couldn't help but laugh.

This night is going to be perfect.

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