** Part 44 **

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I danced around the room as Zacky hung up the phone.

"I'm so proud of you, Zachary!" I cooed, hugging him tightly.

"I was so nervous." He admitted quietly.

"I know! You almost hung up before you even knew where she lived." I said with a laugh.

"That's never happened to me before." Zacky said.

He sort of stared at the wall for a minute.

"Zacky! What's wrong with you! You never act like this over a girl." Johnny said.

"She's not just some other girl." Zacky retorted.

"Exactly! Emily is one of a kind!" I shot back.

"Geez! Ok! If I had known you guys were gonna tag team me I wouldn't have said anything." Johnny whined.

"You shouldn't say anything anyway." Matt said with a laugh.

"You guys are assholes. You know he didn't mean any harm." Val said.

"Well duh! Who the hell could he hurt?" Matt said.

Val punched him in the stomach and he laughed more.

"Can we get back on the subject!" I yelled.

Everyone in the room quieted down, even Sasha, Jonathan and Brian who were the farthest away.

"Thank you. Now Zacky, where are you taking my Emmy-Bear?" I asked, giving him my full attention.

"I'm still thinking about it but I've got a good idea." Zacky said with a small smile.

"Oooh! Tell me!" I squealed.

"No! You might tell Emily and I want her to be surprised." He said.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You can't talk about a secret around Cee with out telling her what it is. The anxiety makes her ansy." Sasha said with a chuckle.

"Plus, this is Cynthia we're talking about. She makes people that are mute look like their talking too much." Nathaniel said.

"Good luck trying to get Cee to tell you anything if she doesn't want to." James said.

We all laughed and sat around, talking.

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