** Part 68 **

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Me, Emily and Val worked the merch table up until the start of the show.

Ally came up to us with an excited smile.

"The shows about to start and Zacky and Brian sent to get you guys." She said.

Me and Emily both turned to Val with pleading eyes.

She looked at us and started laughing.

"You guys are too cute sometimes." She said.

"Can we please go?" I asked, feeling like I was asking for permission to go out after dark.

"Yeah, we've never seen the guys play live before." Emily added.

"Of course. I'm coming too. No ones gonna be buying anything while the guys are playing anyway. We can all watch." Val said with a smile.

Me and Emily started jumping up and down and soon Ally had joined us. "I'm so excited!" Emily said.

"Me too!" Ally gushed.

"Then let's get in there instead of standing outside talking about it." I said with a laugh.

We all clutched hands and ran into the venue.

The guys were all huddled together in a loose circle.

Matt, Jason and Larry were also there too.

We walked up to the circle and squeezed in between them so we could hear.

"Ok guys. Show time is in five minutes. Stage looks great, great job team!" Larry yelled louder so everyone could hear.

"I know you guys are nervous. But you guys are kick ass!" Val said encouragingly.

The guys smiled and Matt grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back against his chest.

She grinned like a little kid.

After all these years, they were still so in love.

I smiled and watched Zacky grab Emily which squealed as he pulled her into his arms.

I saw Jimmy, Brian and Johnny all turn to look at me.

I got really scared as they all reached for me.

Brian and Jimmy grabbed an arm each and Johnny's arm went around my waist.

"You guys are so crazy." I said with a laugh as Brian and Jimmy rested their heads on my shoulders and Johnny made himself comfy with his head on my chest.

"You love it." Brian mumbled.

I smiled and we quieted down as Larry finished his little pep talk.

"You guys go out there and kick ass. You're all gonna do great. Like always." Larry said with a smile.

There was a chorus of 'awws' as the guys all went and circled around Larry, hugging him.

"Ok, guys. I love you all too, but you gotta go on stage. The fans are calling." He said.

I turned my attention to the fans who were indeed calling the guys.

'Avenged Sevenfold' was being chanted throughout the venue that could hold up to 2000 people.

I smiled and turned back to the guys.

"Rock their socks guys! Em, we gotta get to the crowed and squeeze our way to the front." I said.

Emily nodded and i watched in amusement as she tried to squirm out of Zacky's arms.

"Babe." She whined.

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