** Part 48 **

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Emily's POV

Zacky looks unbelievable hot!

When I rescued him from my younger cousins and their friends.

It took everything in me to keep my mouth closed and my eyes on his face.

His smile just blew me away, it was so breath taking.

We sat in his car making small talk and cracking jokes as he drove.

"So, where are we going?" I asked as I looked out the window and saw that it was getting really dark outside.

He turned and gave me a smirk.

"It's a surprise." He said slyly.

"Oooh, I love surprises!" I squealed, clapping my hands.

He laughed and my eyes widened when he pulled up to a brightly lit restaurant that I had heard was extremely hard to get a reservation at.

"Do you like it?" Zacky asked softly.

"It's beatiful." I said with my mouth wide open.

He chuckled and got out, walking to my door and opening it for me.

He puthis hand out for me to grab and I climbed out.

I smiled widely when Zacky kept a hold of my hand as we walked into the restaurant.

The man standing by the podium smiled widely when he saw Zacky.

He rushed over to us.

"Senor Zachary, everything is ready, exactly how you asked." he said.

I eyed Zacky suspiciously and he only smiled.

"Thanks Bernardo. I owe you big time." He said.

"Nonsense. Now who is this beautiful young woman with you?" He asked with a sweet smile.

"Bernardo, this is Emily. Emily, Bernardo." Zacky introduced.

"Good evening senorita. Very pleased to meet you." He said.

"Same to you." I said with a grin.

Bernardo nodded and turned around, leading us through the restaurant.

I saw a waiter standing by a table in the far corner and I was gonna turn that way but Zacky went straight.

Confusion washed over me as we walked out the back door.

The back?

We reached the outside and I stopped in my tracks.

"It's beautiful, Zacky." I gasped.

The entire back of the restaurant was lit up with tea lights encircling the surrounding streets.

The small lake that was directly behind the restaurant was glimmering and you could see the reflection of the full moon in it.

A feet away there was a white canopy set up and underneath was a table adorned with candles and wine.

To the right of the table there was a small band playing some soft music and the sight of everything that Zacky had had set up almost brought tears to my eyes.

"It's nothing compared to how beautiful you are." Zacky murmured in my ear.

I couldn't help the shiver that ran down my body at the warm of his breath going down my neck.

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