** Part 24 **

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Brian's POV

It has been half an hour since we had agreed to go to work with Cynthia.

She was still in her room getting ready and we were sitting in the living room getting more bored and restless by the second.

Val was ready to go knock on her door when it swung open and she came walking out.

My mouth must have dropped to the floor.

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion now.

She looked fucking beautiful. Her hair was down and curled loosely.

She was wearing a strapless teal shirt that looked so good against her skin.

She was wearing black shorts that showed off her amazing legs.

To top it off she wore black and teal checkered vans.

That got me laughing a little.

My eyes finally made it up to her face and I think my mouth dropped right back down to the ground.

She was wearing clear lip gloss and her eyes were outlined with black eyeliner and mascara.

The way she did her teal and black eye shadow gave her a smoldering look.

She is absolutely captivating.

" DAY---UM!!" Zacky said.

Whistles echoed through out the room, some even coming from Val.

I couldn't even respond; I was still frozen.

"Thank you. I gotta be able to reel in the customers." She said with a smile.

"Babe, you could bring them in wearing a trash bag." Jimmy told her.

She smiled at his compliment and I once again felt that stupid pang of jealousy.

' When is this feeling going to end?' I asked myself with a groan as Cynthia ushered us all out the door.

I was the last one out so Cee put her hand on my lower back and gave me a little extra push to get me moving.

That little touch flooded my body with a heat that did crazy things to my breathing patterns.

I realized that this feeling wasn't going to go away unless I acted on it.

But how?

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