** Part 74 **

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I dropped the wet towel on the ground and adjusted my shirt.

I had calmed down considerably in the last hour.

I just can't believe Brian was being such an ass.

He has the audacity to try and fight someone who tried to kiss me when he was dry humping someone on the dance floor.  

"Uggh!" I huffed in frustration.

He's so irritating.

I suddenly remembered how good his lips felt against mine.

It was only a few seconds but I was in bliss.

I hated how when I was arguing with him, his noncahalance made me want to pounce on him.

"Damn you, Brian." I whispered.

I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

It was a few minutes later that I heard a knock at my door.

My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion and I got up off the bed.

I warily opened the door, my eyes narrowing in anger.

"What the hell are you doing here? There's a reason I'm not sleeping on the bus tonight." I said, irritated.

"I just thought I would grace you with my presence. You must be bored here all alone." Brian said with a smirk that made me want to pull him to me.

I clenched the door tighter to control myself.

"Not that bored." I said.

Brian let out a laugh and it's deep tremor made me want to melt.

What is happening to me?

I leaned my head against the door.

"What do you want Brian?" I asked, really exhausted.

"I came to accept your apology." Brian said.

My mouth dropped open in complete shock.

"Excuse me. What apology? If anything you owe me an apology." I said, getting angry again.

"No, cause if you weren't dancing with that guy and trying to make me jealous the fight wouldn't have started in the first place." Brian said.

"Are you kidding me? Are you on crack?! You are seriously delusional if you think the only reason I was dancing with CJ was to make you jealous. Puuuh-lease." I said.

"Good, cause I wasn't dancing with that girl to make you jealous either." He said.  

"Great! You're not my type anyway." I said.

"Glad we got that cleared up. You're not my type either! That waitress was way hotter then you!" Brian yelled.

"Good! I hope you guys have a good life!" I yelled, jerking my head forward.

"Great we will!" He yelled back getting even closer to me.

The next thing I know Brian's lips were urgently kissing me and he was pushing me through the door, slamming it shut behind him.

I jumped on him, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist.

It felt so good to have his lips on mine, pressing so firmly and sending fire through my veins.

Brian slammed me against the wall and I let out a laugh that was instantly cut off by his lips.

I wasn't complaining though.

Having his lips against mine felt so right.

I pulled Brian's shirt off him, running my fingers gingerly down his soft but hard chest.

I felt him shiver at my touch and I smiled.

He felt my smile and brought me to the bed before throwing me on it.

"It's not nice to laugh at people." He said slowly.

He crawled his way up my body, kissing me everywhere.

I shivered when his cold knuckles touched my bare stomach as he unbuttoned my jeans.

He quickly pulled them off and then went to my ankles.

I fought to control my breathing but it wasn't helping.

He slowly kissed all the way up to my hip bone.

Then he stopped.

I looked up, about to yell at him for stopping, but his chin was resting on my stomach and he was looking at me with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, rubbing the side of his face.

He smiled even wider and leaned into my hand.

"Nothing. You're just beautiful. Just wanted to admire you." He said sweetly.

I smiled and pulled his face up to mine.

I kissed him softly, not with the same urgency as before, but with more passion.

"You're beautiful yourself." I said between kisses.

Brian laughed and we finished undressing each other slowly.

We took the time to appreciate each other and memorize every spot and curve on each others bodies.

When me and Brian finally together, it was like we were one.

The strength of the emotion that washed over me was powerful enough to bring tears to my eyes.

"Am I hurting you?" Brian asked, panicking.

I shook my head vigorously and pulled him back to me.

I didn't want any space between us.

I haven't felt this happy and complete in a long time and it scared me how much it felt like I needed Brian.

I stopped thinking and just stayed in the moment.

I didn't want to be sidetracked by anything, especially my own thoughts.

I never wanted to forget this night.


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