** Part 5 **

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Matt's POV

"This girl must be something special if she's got Val jumping up and down." Johnny said. 

"Yeah. I guess they were best friends for like four years." I said.

"How come we never met her then?" Brian asked perplexed.

"I guess she's got these really protective brothers who didn't like her being around guys." I said.

"Dude, she must be fuckin' hot!" Zacky yelled.

We all laughed.

"You might want to be careful. She does have six brothers." Val said coming out of our room with her small duffle bag full of clothes.

"And? We could handle---did you say six?" Zacky said back pedaling.

We all started laughing.

Zacky was really slow sometimes.

"Yup. Six of them. Five older and one younger." Val explained.

"So she's hot then." Jimmy concluded.

"I already told you guys she's beautiful, and I told you guys not to be commenting on the way she looks. She won't take it well. She's been having to fight off guys since she turned ten. With the help of her brothers, of course." Val said sitting down on the couch next to me.

"Comeon. How much damage can she do?" Zacky asked.

"Dude, you shouldn't underestimate her just cause she's a girl. They can do some serious damage." Brian said knowingly.

He knew better than anyone just how much damage a girl could do.

"Our junior year in high school this senior grabbed her ass in the lunch line. She kicked him so hard he had to spend a month in the hospital." Val said with a smirk.

All of our mouths dropped at once. We unknowingly covered ourselves up with our hands.

"She only kicked him once." She added with a smile.

Our mouths dropped even further. "That girl is hard- core." Johnny chocked out.

Val let out a small laugh.

"She does have six brothers. From what I've seen and heard, they all taught her how to fight. At dinner time it was always crazy cause they're all guys, so of course they eat a lot. She had to fight just to get some food or they would eat it all." Val said with a laugh.

That got us all laughing cause we were the same way.

If one of us got a piece of food that the other wanted, we would wrestle each other for it.

It was just interesting to hear that a girl did that with six guys.

"I like her already." I said with a smile.

Val smiled back at me and jumped up.

"I'm glad. Can we go now? I really want to see Cynthia." Val begged.

I chuckled and stood up.

"How are we getting there?" Brian asked.

They all started getting up and stretching out.

"I printed the directions while I was packing and I was thinking that we could all go in Syn's truck, since it's so big." Val looked at Syn hopefully.

He stared at her for a minute.

Val always got what she wanted when she looked at us like that.

I couldn't imagine how hard it is for him to still hang around with Val.

We all know she's nothing like Michelle, but she is her twin.

I know that if some chick broke my heart into a million pieces I would never want to see her fucking face again.

"Fine. Stop looking at me like that. You always win when you do that." Brian grunted.

We all laughed as Val squealed and jumped on Brian.

"You are the best Brian." She said squealing again and getting her bag.

"Did you all hear that? I'm the best."Brian said pointing to himself as he puffed out his chest.

Zacky scuffed and we all laughed at him as we picked up our bags and headed out the door.

'This is going to be a very interesting trip.' I said to myself with a small smirk on my face.

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