** Part 28 **

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Emily Catherine Ryder: 22 years old, bron March 14, 1987 has Short choppy brown hair with blond and dark red in hair with a little carmal. Hazel Green Eyes very white skin. long eyelashes. has a soft voice always smiling. long legs. Has curves in the right place has a flat tummy and always has new nail polish on her toes and finger nails. Never leaves the house with her Green Ipod AND pink SCP-2700. Works as a bartender at Club Hell Bound. 

Loves: Music, animals, dancing, fashion, friends, family, her two cats named Romeo and Ceaser (pronouced K- ZAR) and loves to cuddle with her puppy named California but calls her Cali Girl. 

Hates: Haters and rude people and those who pick their nose in public. 


Val's POV

This bar is huge! If you think back to the movie Coyote Ugly, you'd have a good idea of what Hell Bound looks like.

It is probably about three times bigger though.

The walls are a dark blue color and the dance floor takes up most of the space on the first floor.

There are three spiral staircases in each corner of the club that lead up to the second platform and the VIP area.

The flashing lights and the heat from all the people who are in here is a little overwhelming.

I clung on to Matt's hand as we made our way through the crowded club and he smiled as he pulled me under his protective arm.

The bar is pretty amazing.

It is clear and see through and the strobe lights that kept bouncing off the surface made it look like it was glittery.

Behind the bar there was a chain-link fence against the wall and a tall clear case was set in front of it.

It took up the whole back wall.

It took mea minute to realize the case against the wall was actually filled with alcohol.

I saw a tall ladder next to the wall and I started laughing as I saw a girl climb up and grab a bottle from the top shelf.

With the bottle securely in hand, she slid down the ladder and earned a cheer from the crowd.

The brunette smiled and took a little bow. "Emmy Bear!" Cynthia squealed.

Normal POV

"Cynny Boo!" Emily screamed.

I jumped over the bar, ignoring all of the cat calls and cheers I recieved in the process and squeezed the life out of her.

"Where have you been the last week of my life!?" She yelled angrily.

"Vacation baby!" I said with a smile.

"Oh, you whore! So lucky!" She said with a pout.

Emily walked over to her bowl of carrots that she stashed under the bar and popped one into her pouting mouth.

"You bitch! You've been eating all the carrots while I was gone!" I accused.

"Well I couldn't let them go to waste, could I?" Emily asked innocently.

"That's a bullshit excuse." I said with a laugh.

"I know, but you better have a good ass excuse for abandoning me for a week without a word." Emily said, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Actually, I do. I think you'll like it." I said with a smirk.

"Spill it! Every detail." She said with excitement.

I smiled at the guys and Val who were sitting at the bar.

"Well...it's a long story, so why don't you meet my friends first."I said, turning her to face them.

Her mouth dropped open.

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