** Part 21 **

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Zacky's POV

Syn stopped talking cause Val and Cee came out of her room.

I saw Brian's mouth drop open but he quickly shut it before she could see it.

I turned and looked at Cee too and my mouth dropped open just like Syn's did.

I have to admit.

Cynthia's fuckin' hot.

She has a great rack with a nice flat stomach and the sweet outline of abs.

Her legs are long and look silky smooth.

You could see all of her tattoos with the bathing suit top she was wearing and it only made her look hotter.

I've never seen a girlwear tattoos as good as she did.

I could see why Syn liked her.

I want Syn to be happy.

He deserves it.

He went through a really bad time after he found Michelle with that other guy.

We had to come up with a way to get Brian to tell Cynthia he liked her.

But how?

Me and the guys would have to come up with something.

Brian was still staring at Cynthia as she walked closer to us with a camera in hand.

I nudged him so he would stop staring at her like a complete idiot.

"What's that you got in your hand?" Johnny asked, going to stand next to her.

"My camera. I actually forgot I had it. That never happens." Cynthia said with a smile.

"I guess we're a great distraction, huh?" Brian said, giving her a smile.

She grinned back.

"The best." She replied, that grin still on her face.

She held up her camera and snapped a picture of Syn.

"Hey!" He yelled playfully.

"Gotta make memories." She chimed.

"But I don't even look good!" He whined.

We all rolled our eyes at him.

Cynthia grabbed Val and took of picture of them smiling and hugging each other.

"Now I want one of all you guys." She yelled.

We all circled around Val and Matt wrapped his arm around her neck, pulling her closer.

"1, 2, 3, BALL SACK!!!" Cee yelled.

I scrunched my face up in confusion and disgust.

She took the picture of us and started laughing.

"You guys all have the same look on your face. Priceless." She laughed.

"Ok, take a good one." She said.

We all posed and she snapped the picture.

"You guys are naturals at this." She complimented.

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