** Part 67 **

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Matt roughly pushed Jason towards Ally.

"Hey Ally, it's nice to meet you. I'm Matt and this idiot standing her staring at you is my brother Jason." Matt said with a laugh.

We all started laughing at how forward he could be.

But he was totally right.

From what everyone tells me, Jason is never shy.

"Dude! Shut the fuck up! I was going to introduce myself." Jason exclaimed.

"Yeah, sure you were. Right after you wiped the drool from your chin." Brian said with a laugh.

Jason looked down completely embarassed.

I haven't known Jason that long but I know he doesn't blush easily.

It was actually really cute to see.

Ally walked up to Jason shyly and stuck her hand out.

"Hi. I'm Ally." She said, suddenly quiet and shy.

"I'm Jason." He said with a smile.

"And I'm Matt. This dipshits twin." Matt said again with a smile.

"Yeah, I kind of noticed that on my own." Ally said with a laugh.

"We're gonna get along great." Matt said.

"That's what I said!" Jimmy yelled with a crazy laugh.

"Ok guys. We have stuff to do so let's get to work." Val said loudly.

"You heard your mother." Shadz said in a stern, father like tone.

We all started laughing but immediately got to work.

Me, Val and Emily all started setting up the merch table outside of the venue while the guys, Matt, Jason and Ally (at Jason's request) all helped set up and practice on stage.

I went into the venue a while later to see what the stage looked like.

I stared in awe as I watched each person walk back and forth on stage, all with a specific job and all doing something different to try and make the concert go as smoothly as possible.

I didn't realize before how much work it took to set up for one of these shows.

I watched Brian as he softly strummed away at his guitar, sitting on an amp on the edge of the stage.

I smiled as my eyes drifted to his face.

He was completely out of it.

He wasn't even paying attention to what was around him.

He was totally absorbed in the music.

I stepped closer and heard a little piece of what he was playing.

After a moment I realized he was playing the solo to Sidewinder.

I love that solo. It just flows right across.

"That's one of my favorite solos." I said softly.

Brian looked up quickly and was surprised to see me standing there.

"Hey, how long you been standing there?" He asked with a shy smile.

"Just a minute." I said with a smile.

Brian laughed and patted the amp next to him.

I walked slowly over to him and sat next to him.

" I was serious about the solo. It's really good and one of my favorites. It's a just flows from the guitar, free. It reminds me of you." I said with a smile.

Brian looked at me seriously, his eyes boring into mine again.

His intense stare caught me off guard and I found myself unable to look away.

He moved so fast that I didn't even see him coming.

His soft lips gently pressed against mine and the second his lips touched mine, heat flooded through them.

As soon as his lips touched mine, I felt like I was floating.

As soon as it started, the kiss was over.

I guess you couldn't even call it a kiss.

A kiss requires a certain amount of time.

Our lips only touched for a few seconds, but it was enough to take my breath away.

It was amazing.

"Uh, Cee? I need your help out at the booth. People are starting to show up and it's getting crazy." Val said with a small smile on her face as she saw how close me and Brian were sitting.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Brian side tracked me with his amazing...solo." I said quickly.

Val grinned and nodded her head.

"Yes, the solo. Heard it was amazing." She said with a smirk.

Brian let out a laugh and he stood up.

He held out his hand to me and helped me up.

Once I was fully standing he bent down and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

My skin burned up and I blushed as I watched Brian walk by Val, also giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Once he was gone Val cocked her eyebrow at me.

"Solo my ass." She mumbled.

I laughed and we linked arms as we made our way to the merch table.

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