Denial of the 7

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Purity, does it even exist anymore?
It has been swallowed and lost beneath us
So look down to your core
Is there any goodness you can truly trust?

Pride. Envy. Wrath. Gluttony. Lust. Sloth. Greed.
Are these teaming inside of your being?

The first and worse, creating a ricochet effect connecting far more sin
Dangerously corrupt selfishness, forgoing other's whims

Poisonous and evil, corrupting others as well as yourself
Covetousness towards other's belongings, from the traits to shirt to belt

Powerful and scary, ruining the world around you
Uncontrolled hatred and mad vengeance are what will soon ensue

Putrid and wasteful, a robbery of happiness for the taste
Insatiable hunger and consumption to the point of waste

Forbidden and dreadfully contagious, a true criminal sin
Intense and unbridled desire for what should not be happening

Airy and hard to define, sloth is as worse as any
A disgusting absence of interest or habitual disinclination dwells in many

Another sin of dark desire, however a different type of lust
Artificial, rapacious desire for material possessions are a must

Inevitably they are there, slithering around your soul
But is it truly deadly, this thick black bile?
Surely they are poisonous, you have been told
but is it worth outright denial?

[Old and Unreadable] Max's Thought-Provoking PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now