Melting Monarchy

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A king, a queen, an emperor above
Ruling the nation through bloodline
Dated but pure, it is melting away
But why, when monarchies were fine?
They were until they lost their skin
Now they lack relevance more than anything

In truth there is one ruler
Whose bloodline is passed through generations
If all is well they are loved by the people
And lay the building blocks for a happy nation
It removes the stress and funding of election
Steering a nation closer to perfection

But a bad ruler is recipe for disaster
The history books tell it true
For in the many instances of toxic monarchy
Pain and suffering soon ensue
However, all this is irrelevant, as monarchies have faded
All 'monarchies' are democracy incarnated

King and queen now grow useless
In the people's eye
Why do we need them anymore?
The masses sigh
A proud and monumental system
Has become a sacramental lie...

[Old and Unreadable] Max's Thought-Provoking PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now