Combative Discrimination

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A champion enters the colosseum, with his flag up high
It flaps in the wind for all in the stands to see
In their homes, his kin watch on in transfixed hope
Up high, the emperor watches, he of a different flag
A face of acceptance he bears, for sure
But beneath lies hate and stale contempt
He fights valiantly, but it is clear he is outmatched
The emperor has set him against impossible odds

As things get dire he cheats and runs
The crowd label him a coward as he is cut down
His family name tarnished by that one man
And therein lies the problem, source of judgement
They discriminate his royal family for what but one did
And label them all cowards when they are anything but
This one was used as a spokesperson for the entire race
As is done always, in this earthly colosseum

The crowd cannot possibly make a fair judgement
When the emperor made the fight unfair in the first place
We condemn the champion for cheating
Yet we are the ones cheating him ourselves
For in his situation, you would do the same
Thrust into the arena with a disadvantage you cannot ever tame
We are told the ancient colosseums of combat are long spent
Yet we are standing within the bloodiest one yet

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