Communism Clash

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A movement born from an intuitive idea
A manifesto for equality's elite
Perfection in the surface
But poison beneath?
Such is fair, and fairness is communism
But is it really, or just one great schism?

Equity is communism's main playing card
Complete alignment of resources unmarred
Each man works and each is paid
According to his work in the day
A system unarguably fair
Yet one that has caused so much despair

Under a communist grip growth is explosive
When done well it is well worth gloating
Rapid economic and developmental growth
Throwing the thriving future a bone
Or so they would have us believe
For the system may well be one of deceit

A central state authority is in complete control
Do we trust what they droll?
They treat workers like machines, as such
There is an undeniable stench of the corrupt
An efficient and fair system, on the surface
But a festering wound in true purpose?

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