Death Penalty - II

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The ultimate penalty
Capital punishment
An ethical injustice
But the ultimate deterrent?

Beyond the power of the titanic deterrent
Capital punishment can provide definite closure
For there are many victims of a single murder
Ones that feel uneasy with jail time, ever uncertain
So, for the surviving victim's sake
Is it appropriate, a life worth taking?

And we look further, further into these ethics given
We come to look at especially murder's great schism
It can be argued that, for the act of taking a life
There is no better punishment than an eye for an eye
The ultimate closure of justice for the victim
The murderer facing the same fate's tickling

But obviously, for murder and all crimes
The greatest argument is the deterrent provided
The fear of losing your own life
The dissuasion cast upon the criminal type
Again, we wonder about this penalty's morals
But is it the only true punishment for sorrow?

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