Governments of Hilarity

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To govern; to take control of the horde
But with so many paths, how should one lord?
Each path can lead to disaster, and also prosperity
But one word describes all types of government: Hilarity

A democracy
Equal and fair, it gives control to the people, to us
But this equality is the source of its problems, ever disastrous

A dictatorship
Control to one, with clear, sure decisions transpiring
But suffocatingly stiff, and prone to uprising

A communist movement
Blissfully correct and equal at first assumption
But sneaky, and brimming with corruptions

A monarchy
Virtually extinct, but once spread wide
Kings and queens and emperors of lies

A republic
Blurs the lines with democracy, are they really one?
With questionable difference the limits of law and mission

Aristocracy, Theocracy, Capitalism, many more
Are they really forms of government anymore?

Supposed opposites so similar in the core
Or are they really different, as we are implored?
Well, there is one thing of which we can be sure
They all possess their own little nation of flaws 

I think I'm going to write a bunch of poems talking about how stupid all the forms of government are. Okay? Okay. Thanks for reading frens :D

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