The plain hypocrisy of humanity is brilliant
If brilliance meant condemnation through blatant lies
Because when you stroll into the bustling zoo
You seek for approval amongst others like you
The zookeepers ask for your opinion on a roaring tiger
They ask for your opinion on the howling wolf
And how do you answer, do you answer honestly?
No, of course you do notThe zookeeper smiles at you at points at the cage
"This is a tiger, what do you think of it?"
"It's amazing," you reply, hiding under your guise,
"I wish that it was better for it," You tell them
The wolf, the spider, the huge shaggy ox
To them you all say the same thing
You put on a face of change and sympathy
But deep down you are glad they are cagedYou fear them, you spit on them, you downright despise
You can try, but what good will come from denial?
For you glance at the poor tiger in the cage
Yet, despite your claims, you do nothing
You secretly praise their imprisonment
Their release would jeopardize your safety and security
But most of all your privilege, the law of the world you belong
We all feel this way, or am I wrong?