False Reality

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Our bodies are energy receptors
And through the energy they receive
We hear sounds, see colours
We feel tastes, experience smells
Pulses of energy gliding through
Until it meets the brain

The brain distorts and changes what we experience
Each pulse filtered through countless beliefs
Memories, fears, assumptions and values
And only then discharges the output
But the output is not the truth
What you see is a false reality

This output varies and sways in every way
Each person sees it so differently
As long as we believe, believe this reality
We see the something distorted
A poisoned morality
Nothing more than a subjective illusion

To see the truth, we must forget all we think about it
To see through the lies, we must forget they exist
To see through the false reality in which we live
There is no truth
No pure output
Only the subjectivism, in which we may one day see beyond 

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