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We all search for it in subconscious dreams
A heavenly memory of a happier reality
The past magic that once hummed around
Your light, free soul, cheerfully loud
The magic that you saw in the bleakest of bleak
The childhood wonder of which you never speak

What is beauty in the eyes of you now?
A dull, crumbled mess fallen out of the clouds
Think back to a time where the glass was not just half full
But where everything was overflowing and stunningly cool
Tis your childhood, a wondrous escape
From the thralls and horrors of calamity's gate

Everything was amazing, and full of magic
Beautiful and refreshing, nothing truly tragic
From the stars in the sky to the rocks on the road
The beautiful songbirds to the little toad
But now that wonder has faded away
The magic slain in a horrific display

The magic was beaten out of you relentlessly
By the social conditioning and stench of this society
You are now thrown into a pit of the dull
Where you no longer have the wonder and love
Everything has lost that intriguing charm
And you lie empty, stern with crossed arms

You want it uncontrollably, even if you areunaware
To find the magical wonder again, or compare
To the feelings you felt when you were but a child
The beauty lost to you for a miserable while
Is it even obtainable, the wonder of which I speak?
Or is finding it futile, truly lost in out sleep? 

[Old and Unreadable] Max's Thought-Provoking PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now