Bright Star

42 14 2

Imagine yourself as in space
Are you circling a star?
You should really stare at it
If in orbit you are

It is fine to have the stars in your life
Beings of idolisation and divine goals
They keep you clear, and purge your spite
But take care, little planet, and assess your delight

You look so happily at the sun
But this giant, can you ever be one?
For life is above even its glitter
Put aside your assumptions; you're no mere beginner

The sun is different to you, little planet
Oxygen, carbon, neon, nitrogen, hydrogen
You possess a unique ability
Calcium, silicon, iron, magnesium, aluminium

With such different make ups
Is this light really in sight?
Perhaps it is, but
Maybe the way to it not the day, but the night

Think hard, it may be you are destined forsomething else
Something bigger, better, and out of your shell
Bigger than even the light you aspire
It's okay to look up, but always orbit higher 

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