Shorties Stick Together (Fem. ReaderxHinata)

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(Edited ✔️)

I threw the ball into the air, watching it fly as I started my run. I pushed off the ground with as much power as I could, feeling the strength of the hit course through my body. I smiled to myself as the ball ricocheted off the back corner, running and ducking under the net to go grab it and set up for another serve.

My brother had promised me a tour of the school for my first day, but after a few minutes of looking for him I found an empty gym and the temptation to pick up a volleyball from the cart in the corner was too strong to ignore. He'd never know I got sidetracked anyways. If he asks I'll just tell him I got lost or something.

I set up to serve again, taking a deep breath and focusing on a target point. I tossed the ball and did my run up, jumping higher than I had for the last serve. Another smile came over my lips as I felt the sting of the ball connecting with my palm. It sailed over the net and crashed into the floor, bouncing away and into the hands of a boy standing in the doorway.

He stared at me for a moment, eyes wide before he started to smile and run towards me. He started yelling in gibberish as he darted towards me, something about a "woosh" and a "crash" and things like that. He slid to a stop in front of me and started talking quickly. He almost looked like he was vibrating out of excitement.

After a moment the ginger quieted, tilting his head as he looked me over curiously.

"How tall are you?"

"I'm only 147 centimeters." I laughed quietly, rubbing my neck and turning away slightly.

"Wow! The 140's! You're shorter than Nishinoya-senpai!" He exclaimed before sticking out a hand for me to shake. "I'm Hinata Shouyou."

"Nishinoya (Name)." I took his hand in mine with a smile, holding back a giggle as I watched the confusion and shock on his facial features.


I turned just in time to see my brother jump at me, engulfing me in one of his ridiculously tight hugs.

"YUU!" I yelled, attempting to wiggle free of his grip while hitting him wherever I could reach.

He released me and fell to the floor, making another dramatic speech about how his 'baby sister' doesn't love him anymore and that he misses the days when I 'was so loving and adoring.'

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes while turning back to face to orange-headed boy, who's eyes darted between my brother and I rapidly as if he was trying to process something.

"Sorry for taking the gym, I didn't know it was going to get used. I'll get going." I bowed and began to walk out when I felt something latch onto my wrist.

"No way! You can't leave yet! You've gotta teach me how to serve like that first! Pleeaaase!" He begged, pouting as he pulled on my hand gently.

"Fine." I choked out, puffing out my cheeks and attempting to hold down the blush that was making its way up my neck.

My brother noticed the pink color gradually staining my cheeks and glared at Hinata, getting ready to jump at him before Asahi showed up. The gentle giant rushed over to Yuu and tried to calm him down, bringing him to the opposite side of the gym so his death glare wouldn't be so obvious.

I walked to the service line with Hinata, giving a brief explanation of how to do a jump serve before demonstrating. He tried and tried, but more times than not the ball would hit his face instead of his hand. At one point I heard more people enter the gym, but ignored them in favor of scolding the ginger again.

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