Gimme Some Suga! Part 2

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(Edited ✔️)

"Excuse us!" Suga said loudly as we entered the nurses office. There was no reply as he sat me on one of the beds and he looked around the small room.

"Looks like no one's here, so I'll patch you up!" He smiled at me before beginning to dig through drawers.

"Wait, Sugar you don't have to do that I can do it myse-" He placed a hand over my mouth and narrowed his eyes at me as though he were about to scold me.

"Let me help you. I doubt you'll do it correctly yourself." He sighed before kneeling and beginning to rub an antiseptic wipe across my knee. I hissed in pain before I processed what he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I shouted indignantly as he laughed from the floor.

"You seem too careless to take the time to properly wrap and clean your injuries." He elaborated with a smile and a laugh as he began to bandage my knees.

"They're just scraped. They would have been fine if I left them alone." I muttered and crossed my arms, earning a small glare from the silver-haired beauty now finishing up on my other knee.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he sighed before pressing his lips to each of my knees. My mouth fell into an 'O' from the shock and my face stained scarlet once again. He smirked quickly before covering it up with an innocent and confused smile.

"Does it hurt anywhere else? Maybe here?" He asked before pressing his lips to my cheek, lingering for a moment before pulling back.

"Or here?" He asked as he pressed a kiss to the opposite side.

"Or how about here? I'm sure your glasses scraped against your skin when they flew off." He said against my cheek before pulling off my glasses and pressing his soft pink lips to the bridge of my nose. At this point my face was as red as the blood that had previously stained my knees.

"...or maybe it hurts here and that's why you haven't answered?" He asked quietly, rubbing a thumb over my lips gently. He brought his lips to mine and moved his hand to the back of my head, tilting it so that his standing form didn't have to bend down so far. He brought his knee onto the bed and lowered himself closer to my height in an effort to keep either of us from straining our necks as the kiss continued.

"Oh my goodness!" A shocked lady's voice crowed from behind me. We seperated and turned to see the nurse staring at us with wide eyes.

"E-excuse us!" I said loudly before grabbing Suga's hand and sprinting out of the nurses office. His laughter from behind me before he tugged me to a stop and smiled at my blushing face.

"You look so cute." He said softly while tucking stray hairs behind my ear.

"Y-you need to stop!" I said half-heartedly while leaning into his hand. He raised and eyebrow at me and laughed before taking my hand and twirling me around.

I giggled at the randomness of this action before he pulled me into a hug and buried his face in my neck.

"What was that?" I mumbled into his shoulder.

"I wanted to dance with you." I felt him smile against my neck before beginning to sway our bodies back and forth in the middle of the hall.

"You're very forward for only meeting today." I smiled as I buried my nose into the crook of his neck.

"You were too beautiful to wait on. What if someone else stole you?" His lips moving against my neck caused me to giggle slightly, making him laugh as we pulled apart to smile at each other. I placed my ear against his chest and paused for a moment before beginning to sway again.

"Where's the music?" He laughed while burying his nose in my hair.

"The beat of your heart is the only music I need for right now."

He pulled back to look at me with wide eyes, face slowly turning pink before I smiled.

"Your cheeks are pink, do they hurt?" I mocked before pressing my lips to each of his cheeks.

"Or does it hurt here?" I teased before pressing my lips to the tip of his nose, lingering for a moment.

"Or maybe it hurts here, and that's why you're not answering?" I said as I slowly brought my lips to his, enjoying the feeling of the soft warmth pressed against my own lips.

"That was pretty forward for only meeting today." He mocked me with a smile.

"You were too beautiful to wait for. What if someone stole you away?" I pressed my forehead to his and closed my eyes. "I couldn't lose my Sugar on the first day."

He let out a quiet hum as we swayed in the middle of the hallway, dancing to the sound of the silence around us.

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