Another Asahi (Kiyoko x Reader)

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"Brother~" I sang as I skipped into the boys' gym, drawing attention to myself.

"Y/N-san!" He yelled before coming over and hugging me as I giggled. He squeezed me before stepping back and firing questions at me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"How did you know I'd be at practice?"

"Mom and Dad are on a trip, do they know you're here?"

"Chill out you beanpole." I laughed at him as he flushed and rubbed his neck with a sheepish smile. "Mom and Dad asked if I could come and check on you while they're gone. The school gave me a month off!" I yelled excitedly at the end.

He sweatdropped at me as I bounced on my toes. "Why are they having you check on me?"

"'Cause I needed to check on my baby brother!" I smiled before pulling him into a hug, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"You're older by 20 minutes." He sighed over my back.

"Excuse me." A voice said from behind me. I turned to see a girl with black hair and a beauty mark that definitely lived up to it's name. "How tall are you?"

"181cm." I blinked owlishly down at the girl before turning to my brother with a blush.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOUR MANAGER WAS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS?!" I asked furiously while begging my face to cool down.

I faintly noticed the girl blushing and felt myself begin to hyperventilate. I let go of my brother to grip my chest and fall to my knees, everyone becoming concerned and running over.

"So....cute." I heaved as I fell onto my side. I saw her face come into view front of mine and she held a paper bag to my face. I breathed in and out slowly, calming down slightly before ripping my brother out of the gym.

"WHAT THE HELL WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT YOUR MANAGER WAS THIS STUNNING?!?!" I yelled, pacing before I glared at him.

"I-I don't like her if that's what this is about. She doesn't like me either." He said as he attempted to stop my pacing.

I stopped to snort at him and turned my head towards him. "Of course not. I don't know how to talk to girls, much less someone so beautiful, so you'd have no chance whatsoever. Right now my homosexuality is raging and THIS ISN'T HELPING!!! A BIT OF WARNING NEXT TIME!!! LIKE, 'Hey sis, just to let you know my TEAM MANAGER HAS THE LOOKS OF AN ANGEL!'"

"Y-YOU WANNA HOOK UP WITH KIYOKO-SAN?!" A boy with a shaved head yelled while jumping out of the gym.

"Ew, no. I want to hold her, not screw her." I said while scrunching up my nose.

"Y/N-san, why are you yelling?" A little voice asked from behind me.

"Ah, sorry little one." I said with a smile as I scooped up the little boy into my arms and started blowing in his neck, giggles escaping his small frame. "I was just excited."

He scrambled to get on my shoulders and flipped his head so he was upside down in front of me, his hair hanging and blocking my frontal view, leaving me only my peripheral vision. I pressed my nose to his and he giggled before trying to climb off me. I noticed his mother coming up the hill and I grabbed under his arms, flipping him over my head and laughing as he squealed.

"I found my ball! It was in some bushes. You hit it so far!" He yelled before running to his mother. The woman nodded kindly and waved as she and the little boy headed to the office, something about needing to pick her son up from the soccer club for a doctors appointment.

"Nee-san, what was that?" My brother asked, bewilderment on his face.

"Ah, well I met a little boy at the park on my way here and he was just setting by himself in a field so I asked if he wanted to pass with me. He said he'd rather have someone spike one of his tosses and I told him I was a spiker at my school. He looked so happy when I said that that I let him rope me into playing for around a half an hour. Then he asked how far I could hit it, so I hit it as far as I could and it flew over some trees and we couldn't find it. I told him I'd buy him a new ball but he said it was okay and that we should keep looking. While we were looking his mom came and said they needed to get to Karasuno, and since I was coming here too I said we could look for it on the way here. He challenged me to a race up the hill and I just sprinted the whole thing without thinking." I rubbed my head in embarrasment at the end, a small blush coating my face.

"Wow, you must be good with kids!" A boy with orange hair shouted.

"I love kids! They have this wide-eyed wonder that adults don't have. A child's eyes sparkle with joy and curiosity that you don't find in a lot of people. I'd love to adopt someday." I sighed as I daydreamed about the future.

I heard a small laugh and turned to see the gorgeous girl from earlier, smiling behind her hand with a blush.  "That's pretty cute."

I felt my face flush and I turned to hightail it into the gym, immediately being pulled into a 3-on-3 game by a silver haired boy.

"Oi, Suga!" I yelled for a toss. Baldy had gotten all the spikes and I was itching the smash the ball over the net.

He tossed it my way and I jumped, watching the wall of hands come up in front of me with a smirk. I smashed the ball through the hands of my brother and a blonde boy. I laughed at both of their shocked faces.

"Nice toss Suga-kun!" I yelled while jogging back to my position.

"N-nice kill." He stated while staring at me in shock.

"Nice hit." A voice said from beside me. I turned and saw the beauty flash me a small smile and almost melted on the spot. I grabbed her hands and looked at her with wide eyes and a pained expression.

"Please don't smile at me like that. I don't know if my heart can take it. I don't know if you've noticed but I'm already hypersensitive to everything you do. Please please please don't get my hopes up with these kind gestures." I begged her on my knees while pressing my forehead against our clasped hands.

I felt one of her hands slip from mine and reappear under my chin, tilting up my head so she could see the glossiness of unshead tears in my eyes. She pressed her lips to my forehead with a smile before talking quietly.

"I think I'd like to get your hopes up."

I felt myself turn bright red before trying to stutter out a response and spitting out something that almost resembled Japanese.

" you want to go to the cafe at the bottom of the hill with me?!" I asked rather loudly.

She blushed and nodded, turning her face away from me and I felt my eyes widen and a smile appear on my face.

"Thank you!" I yelled before pressing a chaste kiss to her forehead and jumping back into the game, my cheeks burning with a blush and straining at the size of my smile.

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