Two Short Sibling Stories

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Hello! I've hit a writers block for these and it's making me want to kick myself in the ass, believe me. I can start the story but once I get to a certain point I just lose it. So, here's the two I was working on so far but have no idea how to finish!


Kageyama's Big Sister

I woke up early and yawned, stretching as I slowly slipping out of bed. I made my way down the stairs, headed towards the kitchen to get something to drink after slipping on my uniform. I rounded the corner to the dining room and looked at my brother's back as he hunched over a notebook, furiously scribbling away.

"Hey." I greeted softly as I draped myself over my younger brothers shoulders. He looked up with wide eyes before giving me a small smile and going back to his work, allowing me to rest my chin on top of his head. "Need any help?"

After fifteen minutes or so of studying he hopped up, shoving everything into his bag before trying to sprint out the door. I caught his wrist gently and he turned back to me in confusion as I sent him a small smile.

"I'll drive you. Just gimme a second."

His eyes widened and he grew a wobbly smile, thanking me and nodding quickly before moving to stand by the door. I grabbed my keys off the counter and we raced to the car, our giggling filling the otherwise quiet air as we slapped our hands down on the hood in unison. The drive to school was quiet, a comfortable silence hanging between us. I pulled up to the front of the school to see a boy with bright hair bike up, fumbling with his bike lock in the finger-numbing cold.

"Tobio, what time does your practice start?" I asked absentmindedly, watching as the boy started pouting and fingering the lock more fervently.

"7 o'clock." Came his muttered response, his mind elsewhere as he stared out the window. A glance down at the clock told me we were thirty minutes early and I let out a small giggle before rolling my window down and shouting at the boy as he finally clicked his bike lock.

"Hey! You're on the volleyball team right?" I called, only just loud enough for him to hear me. He turned with wide eyes, nodding quickly as he buried his hands in his pockets and red-tipped nose in his scarf.  "You can come sit in the car with Tobio and I. It's too cold to wait outside that long."

The boy's face lit up and he nodded quickly, running towards the car and dive-bombing into the back seat. I let out a quiet laugh as Tobio shot the now smiling boy a glare.

"Hey, Kageyama!" He greeted happily, getting both my brother and I to twist in our seats to face him. He let out a squawk before pointing between the two of us quickly. "You guys look so alike!"

I let out a breathy giggle as Tobio rolled his eyes and glared pointedly at the ginger. "That's cause she's my big sister, dumbass."

The two began bickering and I smiled, listening in on the argument and laughing here and there. When a boy with silver hair and another with short cropped brown hair showed up they shot out of the car, still yelling at each other. I smiled fondly at their backs, getting ready to exit and walk to the library when I noticed something in the backseat. I grabbed the bag Hinata had left behind and began to walk towards the gym, letting out a quick sigh of relief to be back inside somewhere warm when I strolled through the doors.

"KAGEYAMA-SAN!" Hinata shouted, catching everyone's attention. I shot them all a small wave as the ginger and my younger brother came barreling towards me. I started to laugh as the skidded to stops in front of me, both staring at me with varying levels of enthusiasm.

"Nee-chan, why are you here?" Tobio asked curiously, tilting his head as he eyed me. I held out the bag as a way of explanation and Hinata shouted, grabbing it from my outstretched hands with an embarrassed grin before racing to put it with all his other stuff. I let out a quiet giggle before turning back to my brother. He bent down obediently and I ruffled his hair before he stood back up to his full height and stepped towards me. I wrapped my arms around him in a brief hug before turning away, walking towards the door while waving at all the other players who stared at my brother and I after our interaction.

Sugawara's Little Sister

The team walked towards the gate in a group, laughing loudly as they went. The promise of meat buns from their captain had them all excited and re energized as they strolled towards the mini mart. They came to an abrupt stop at a foreign sight awaiting them at the exit.

A girl was leaning against the brick pillar beside the gate, completely ignoring the bunch of boys. She had ashy blonde hair that brushed her hip pulled over one shoulder, and she ruffled it absentmindedly as she stared at her phone. She had one foot on the ground and the other pressed to the pillar, giving her an air of a certain confidence that pushed people from attempting to talk with her. A shorter, black skirt replaced that of the grey uniform's and a shirt that cut off just above her belly button took place of the blazer.

She finally looked up to the group as their laughter died off and she pulled the lollipop from her lips with a resounding pop, pushing herself off the wall to stand in front of them. She looked over the group until stopping on one figure, gesturing towards the exit with her head and turning to walk out.

"Ah, thats my cue to go. See you guys tomorrow!" Their third-year setter called as he jogged towards the girl while she contnued to walk away, not sparing a glance behind her as the boys stared on.

"Was that Suga-san's girlfriend!?" An outraged cry came from Nishinoya before he and Tanaka broke into dramatics.

"Oi! Stop your shouting! That's Suga's little sister!" Daichi yelled, pulling the attention of the group from the screaming duo to their angered captain.


"Isn't your stomach cold?" Koushi laughed as we walked back towards our house. I smiled and shoved his shoulder playfully as I giggled.

"Nope. Plus, it gives me the bad girl edgy vibe, dontcha think?" I asked with a laugh and a twirl.

"Someone who actually had that kind of vibe wouldn't say that." He laughed, getting me to pout as I shoved him again.

He opened his mouth to say something when his phone rang, pulling both of our attentions from our playful banter. He answered it with a curious look, although his expression dropped almost immediately at the screaming coming from it.

"Oi, take it off speaker." I deadpanned as he held the phone out in front of us at arms length.

"It's not on speaker." He winced before hanging up. He turned it off and tucked it into his pocket as we continued on our walk, teasing each other as we went.

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