Tickets (Oikawa x Reader)

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I looked at the tickets sitting on my desk and squealed once more, burying my face in my pillow so not to wake my parents. My cheeks ached from the large smile that seemed permanently stuck there.

Until I remembered I had two tickets and no one else I knew liked the observatory as much as I did.

I face planted into the mattress and groaned, wondering what to do with the extra ticket and falling asleep in the awkward position. My feet on my pillows and face squashed into the sheets at the foot of the bed.


I walked to school the next day with a scowl over my features, eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. My headphones blasted at full volume as I walked into my classroom and took my seat. I pulled out my ear buds with a sigh and wound them up neatly, sticking them into a pocket in my bag and pulling out the observatory tickets. I set them on the desk in front of me and stared, willing solutions to come to mind.

They didn't.

I groaned and buried my face in my arms, pouting at my lack of galaxy loving friends.

"Why so pouty Y/N-chan?" A voice asked from beside me. I sat up and glared at the annoying fluff head who sat beside me. His eyes landed on the tickets in front of me and widened comically before he started bouncing in his seat. "You like space too? Isn't it just so pretty? Do you think aliens actually exist? I think they do. No, I know  they do. There's no way we can be the only life forms in the universe!"

I felt my eyes widen and a smile come to my face as we began animatedly talking about the universe and stars and aliens. Suddenly, an idea came to mind and I smiled at him. "I actually won these from a radio contest. No one I know really wants to go to the observatory with me, so do you want to? It's supposed to be a really clear night."

He looked shocked for a moment before letting out a girly squeal, causing me to stiffle a giggle behind my hand. I stuck out the other in front of me and he grasped it with his own.

"It's a date."


"I didn't expect you to take the word 'date' so literally." I teased when Oikawa showed up with a bouquet of roses. He was dressed in a light blue button up with a pair of dark blue jeans.

"You're not exactly casually dressed either." He pouted as I brought the roses to my nose. I had on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and beige combat boots with a white off the shoulder shirt that seemed to flow out a bit as I walked. Half of my hair fell down in it's normal wavewaved and the top half was tied up and hung loosely over the flowing half. I had put on mascara and clear lip gloss since I had extra time before leaving.

"Touché." I giggled before laying the roses down in my arms. I turned towards him with a fake pout. "You bought me flowers. Aren't you going to escort me inside?"

He rolled his eyes with a smile and extended his arm, which I then linked mine through as we walked through the doors.

We bought star shaped strawberries dipped in chocolate on a stick as we walked around. Mine were coated in white chocolate and his in milk chocolate. He looked at my strawberries in curiosity.

"I've never seen white chocolate strawberries actually." He said as we stopped in front of a large sign that talked about events that were going to happen in the future. The actual room for watching stars didn't open for another half hour, so we had enough time to just dawdle and eat as we waited. We sat down on a bench to talk for awhile.

"Would you like a bite?" I asked as I gently pulled a little star chunk off the stick. I held it out to him with my fingers, not wanting to get chocolate all over my hands. I expected him to take it from me with his fingers as well, not with his mouth. He ate it straight out of my hand. I stared at him in slight disbelief as he chewed and began to give his verdict.

"It's sweet, but it's good." He said before popping another in his mouth. I started smack his arm with my hands as he laughed and cowered away from me.

"WHAT THE HECK?!?! YOU OWE ME A STRAWBERRY NOW YOU MEANIE!" I yelled as he snorted and slid a strawberry off his stick, holding it in front of my face. I opened my mouth with a smile and ate the strawberry, chewing happily as he giggled.

"You're so easy to please N/N-chan."

"Chocolate strawberries are my favorite." I said as I swallowed the little treat.

"Really? I like milk bread more than strawberries." He said with with a slight nod before eating another strawberry from his own stick.

"What's your favorite constellation?" I asked to stave off the impending silence. He perked up as turned towards me with bright eyes.

"I absolutely love Orion. The story behind him is great too. So determined for love that he locked himself in the stars. Yours?"

"I really like the Seven Sisters actually. Wanting to marry for love, not beauty. So determined to choose their own path they carved it through our sky to give us a permanent reminder that any length taken for love is a length taken in the right direction." I explained while staring absently at the ceiling and twirling my now empty strawberry stick. After a few moments of silence I turned to see Oikawa staring at me with shocked eyes. I tilted my head curiously and he seemed to snap out of his daze.

"I've never heard someone look into their story that way. Now I kinda feel stupid for liking Orion." He said while sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

"Don't feel stupid! We all interpret things differently. We just have two different interpretations of the story." I rushed to reassure him before I heard the door swing open. I felt a childish grin come over my features as I grabbed his hand and raced for the observation room. I heard him laugh from behind me before scooping me onto his back and running for the room. I screamed and giggled as he laughed at me. We stopped when we got inside and he let me down, smiling and slightly out of breath.

"Jeez N/N-chan, I didn't know you were so heavy!" He teased and I smacked his chest with the back of my hand, smiling through the whole exchange.

I looked around with a smile and bounded on my toes hopped in line behind one of the large telescopes. After around a half hour of just staring through a telescope together we left the observatory and headed to a nearby park. We sat on a bench and I lied down, placing my head in his lap to see the stars.

"Look, it's the Big Dipper." I pointed out with a smile. I traced the constellation with my finger before dropping my hand to rest on my stomach. "I always thought of stars as hand-me downs from our ancestors. They saw some of these same constellations, and felt the same awe and wonder we do as we look up. They felt their beauty and used them to navigate and tell time and lull them to sleep. Aren't stars just the prettiest thing you've ever seen?" I asked as my eyes trailed paths through the lights.

"I can't say their the prettiest." I heard him say as he began to run his hand over my head. I looked up to meet his eyes and saw them trained on me with a small smile across his lips. "Not when I have you to compare them to."

I snorted and sat up, sitting next to him and tucking unruly strands of hair back behind my ear. "You're funny. That was smooth though. Nice move."

"I'm not joking. Your beauty is brighter than any star, and more entrancing than them all put together." He persisted, taking my hand in his own. I rolled my eyes with a smile and started to pull my hand away.

"Save these lines for someone who'll believe them, Oikawa." I laughed while beginning to stand. In an instant he was standing beside me with his lips on mine. I felt my cheeks flush bright red as he pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I don't see why you wouldn't believe the truth." He said quietly with a small smile before pulling away. He grabbed my hand and began to walk towards my house. A comfortable silence enveloped us and the cool night air soothes my burning face. He walked me to my door and smiled, letting go of my hand and heading down the porch steps.

"No kiss goodbye?" I asked with a grin. He turned around with wide eyes before smiling and climbing back in the stairs, pressing his lips to mine before walking into the starry night. I climbed into bed and looked out the window, watching the stars twinkle across the sky.

Maybe the fluff head wasn't so annoying after all.

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