College AU - Semi x Reader

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I walked into my 7 am lecture on this particular Tuesday morning in a pair of comfy grey sweats and an old, oversized band tee-shirt. My hair was up in a messy ponytail  and my eyebags were probably bigger than Albert Einstein's IQ. The kid next to me looked curious as I pulled out my coffee thermos and a can of red bull. I took a swig of the coffee and offered him a sip, shrugging as he turned it down politely and setting it on the table. I cracked open the redbull and turned towards my thermos.

"I'm gonna die."

I dumped the red bull into the thermos and choked it down in one swig, slamming the empty thermos down on the table as if I had just done a shot. I blinked a few times before turning to the guy beside me with a smile, holding back laughter at his horrified expression. He began to speak and I cut him off before he could say anything about my unhealthy caffeine habits.

"I'm not a morning person, so after two all nighters in a row to finish a couple of stupid essays just a cup of coffee isn't going to be that helpful."

"I don't know how you've survived..." He trailed off, staring at me with wide eyes. I began to laugh and patted his shoulder.

"You must be  a first year. I'm in my second. You'll get used to it."

His eyes widened in existential horror and he stared at his hands before whispering to himself quietly. "I'm going to die."

I patted his back his back softly as the teacher started his lecture and I began to take notes. The boy beside me tried and struggled to write as quickly as the professor was talking. His eyebrows were furrowed out of concentration and when the professor dismissed us he hung his head with a sigh. I tapped his shoulder and he looked up at me through his blonde bangs.

"I'm L/N Y/N."

"Semi Eita."

I nodded my head a bit as he started to put away his things. "This is my only class today, so if you wanna meet later I'll help you with the notes. I noticed you weren't keeping up with the professor and you wrote a few things down wrong."

His head popped up and he stood, bowing deeply and thanking me politely. I giggled and pushed the top of his head lightly, making him stand up straight again with a tight lipped smile. Now that I actually looked at him he was quite tall, probably standing around six-foot. We began to walk out of the building and stared talking. Since that was his only class today as well we were going to run by my dorm so I could change and then head to a cafe about a block away from campus. He waited in the hall as I dropped all my stuff on my bed and began to change. I switched out my sweats for a pair of light wash ripped skinny jeans and my band tee for a blue and white flannel. I ran a brush through my hair after ripping out my ponytail and letting it fall naturally before slipping on a pair of socks and white shoes. I picked back up my bag and walked into the hall, smiling at Semi and locking the door behind me as we started on our way.

"I couldn't help but notice you're tall," I started, getting a quick eye roll from him, "do you play basketball?"

He shook his head slightly and a small smile grew on his lips.

"I play volleyball."

I felt my own eyes widen and my smile grew as I turned towards him. "That's so cool! What position do you play?"

His own smile grew a bit more and he grew slightly more animated at the topic. "I'm a setter."

We fell into a deep conversation about volleyball, reminiscing about past experiences as we walked. As we sat down at the cafe I began to smile lightly as I grabbed my things.

"I'll have to tell my brother about you. He doesn't think there's much of a future for him because boy's volleyball wasn't big where we were from."

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