Daichi x Reader

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I walked into the kitchen and shook my head at the bento resting on the counter, wondering why my brother had to be so forgetful. I grabbed it with a sigh before walking towards his school, where he was probably vibrating with all the energy he had this morning as he bounced around the kitchen.

"At least I have a break from school for now." I grumbled as I ran a hand through my bright hair, pulling it in front of me to examine its orange color. It bounced around my shoulder blades in its loose waves and I sighed as I walked onto the campus. I began to walk as I searched for my little brother with slight annoyance. I finally found a gym full of boys and smiled, hoping to see familiar orange hair. When I didn't see it I walked over to a silver-haired boy and tapped him on the shoulder. He was a tad shorter than me, but not much. He turned with a smile and I greeted him with one of my own.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation," I said, glancing at the brunet, "but I was wondering if Hina-"

"NEE-SAN!!" A screech from across the gym cut me off and I turned just in time to catch my flying little brother before we both toppled over . I groaned before looking at the vibrating boy now staring up at me from my chest.

"Sho, I've told you not to do that." I rolled my eyes as we got up.

"BUT I MISSED YOU!!" He shouted before wrapping his arms around my torso. I sighed as I small smile crept onto my face and I wrapped my arms around him, despite the words of annoyance climbing up my throat because he'd seen me last night.

"I missed you too squirt." I pulled away to take off my bag and pulled out his bento. "You forgot this this morning Sho. You gotta be more careful." I scolded lightly as I handed it to him. He smiled apologetically until a voice rang out from behind me.

"Looks like being short doesn't run in the family, shrimpy."

"I'm going to assume that being a dick runs in yo-" I cut myself off as I turned to face the smirking giant before I doubled over in laughter after recognizing him.

The boys all stared in shock as I fell to the ground on my knees and laughed so hard tears began to slip out of my eyes.

"You?" I gasped as I caught my breath. "You're the Kei Akiteru preaches about 24/7? I'd have expected you to be a saint by how he talks about you. Although I shouldn't have expected much of a change since your middle school years."

A look of recognition crossed his face and he turned away with distaste written across his features.

"Oh. It's you."

I stood up and grabbed his ear, pulling him to my height as I frowned.

"Oi, what's that supposed to mean, Brat?" I asked with a frown. I let go of him and he rubbed his ear before I turned to the rest of the group with a smile.

"Hi! I'm Hinata Y/N! You can call me N/N (if you have one) if you'd like so you don't confuse Sho and I. I'm Shoyo's older sister. I'm starting my second year of university this year. Kei's big brother and I were friends, so that's why I know the brat. I'm sorry to intrude, but Shoyo forgot his lunch box this morning." I smiled as I looked at the faces of the boys surrounding me.

"You're fine. Practice does start for another 10-"

"DO YOU PLAY VOLLEYBALL??" A boy shorted than Shoyo jumped up and yelled. I snorted as he bounced with excitement.

"I've never played. I'm in university of a soccer scholarship. I've practice with Shoyo from time to time the past week I've been home though, so I know a little bit. He spikes and I dive to catch them. It helps me cause I'm the keeper for my team." I smiled at the team as the brunet glared at the shorter boy for interrupting.

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