Shirabu x Reader

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The team walked towards their third year setter's house, chattering amongst themselves absentmindedly as they went. Semi sighed as he unlocked the door, motioning them inside with a tired wave of his hand. They all slipped off their shoes and placed them in an even row against the wall before making their way into the living room, stacking their bags against one of the walls.

For team bonding this weekend, Semi's house had been chosen. The boys began to flip through movies on the T.V when a voice called from the hallway in perfect English.

"Hey Eita?"

Said boy sighed, tilting his head backwards to yell back.

"Yeah N/N?" His English response threw off his team members even more and they all looked on in confusion as a girl walked out from the hall. She had a laptop balancing on one forearm as she typed away on it with her unoccupied hand.

"What do you want me to order for you?" She didn't look up from the screen, eyebrows furrowed as she stared down at it. Semi pushed himself off the ground with a small huff and walked over to stand behind the girl, placing his chin on her shoulder as he looked over the menu and pointed out items here and there. The entire conversation was held in English, neither of the two speaking it seeming to have issues with the language. The Shiratorizawa volleyball club looked on with varying expressions of confusion as their teammate conversed with the girl.

After thy  finished she turned to look at him, flashing him a bright smile before turning to walk into the living room. When she finally looked up from the laptop she froze mid-step, eyes drinking in the group of boys staring at her from all over the living room.


"Semi, who the literal fuck are all these people?" I asked calmly, keeping my expression passive as I glanced at him over my shoulder.

"We hold team bonding meetings every weekend. This weekend it was my house." My tall cousin explained with and exasperated sigh. I let out a small hum of understanding as I shut the laptop, tucking it under my arm as I walked towards him. I stood right in front of him and we held eye contact for a few seconds before I raised my hand and slapped the top of his head.

"You didn't think to send me a text beforehand to warn me? Or have me order extra food? Eita, what the hell?!" I whisper shouted as I glared up at him. After a few rapid apologies I let out a huff, walking over to the couch and plopping down on the armrest. I opened the laptop and looked around the room, counting the boys as they went between shooting glances at me and my cousin.

"Hey everyone, could you come over one by one and tell me what you want to order? You can pay me back once the food gets here." I sighed, watching as most of the boys' expressions lit up. Once I'd gotten everyone's order I closed the laptop, setting it on the small table next to the couch.

"Eita, you should introduce me." I groaned from my slouched position across the back of the sofa.

"Why don't you do it?" He asked, obvious annoyance lacing his tone. I lifted my head to shoot him a glare before speaking.

"I'm fucking tired, you whore. Introduce me because I don't want to do it myself."

He clicked his tongue before turning to his teammates, getting lots of wide eyes as he finished his little introducion spiel.

"Guys, this is L/N F/N. She's my cousin from the states. She moved in with me a few months ago."

I raised a hand in a half-hearted wave from the couch, not looking up to meet the pairs of eyes burning holes into the side of my head as I stared at the ceiling.

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